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July 24, 2017

Effective Early Literacy Practices: What We’ve Learned and How to Replicate in Your District

Read how the Pennsylvania Dyslexia Pilot Program's work and findings in the pilot schools is good news for all schools and the students they serve.
July 12, 2017


When parents and educators use the same terms to describe a child’s challenges,it’s easier for them to communicate and work together.....Eleven diverse national organizations joined together to develop ideas for having this conversation. We hope this resource will add clarity so terminology doesn’t get in the way. Then parents and educators can work together to provide the instruction, services, and support every child needs to succeed.
June 29, 2017

2017 BSE Penn*Link: Significant Disproportionality

This Penn*Link, from the Bureau of Special Education, focuses on Significant Disproportionality. On December 19, 2016, the changes to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regarding significant disproportionality were published in the Federal Register. The purpose of the final regulations is to promote equity in IDEA, and they must be implemented by July 1, 2018.
May 21, 2017

Multi-Sensory Structured Language Approach

The Multi-Sensory Structured Language (MSL) Approach involves teaching reading through multiple senses (hearing, seeing, touching, and moving) at the same time. This document published by Understood.org explains what MSL is, what it looks like, what is meant by structured language, and where you can find out more about it.
May 4, 2017

May 25, 2017 - Project MAX Spring Symposium 2017

The Project MAX 2017 Spring Symposium will feature implementation results from these six universities. Faculty will present how they adopt, adapted, and infused Project MAX professional development materials into courses and across certification programs.
March 2, 2017

Dyslexia Town Hall

A free event for parents and professionals will focus on how "Emotional and Learning Needs Are Intertwined" and "Dyslexia and Public Education in Pennsylvania".
February 27, 2017

Using Response to Intervention (RtI) for SLD Determination: School Building Application (K-12) for Approval

School districts choosing to use the Response to Intervention process to identify students with specific learning disabilities must complete this application to validate their RtI Implementation status. Districts must provide evidence that they have implemented these 9 characteristics of the PA RtI Framework with fidelity. The document should be completed by a team representing members aware of implementation characteristics in the regular school setting. Districts are encouraged to contact Intermediate Unit or PaTTAN RtI consultants to assist in facilitating the application process.
January 29, 2017

Heart Word_His

This is an example of using "heart" words to teach irregular spelling words.
January 11, 2017

Strategies for Instructional Access in General Education Classrooms Webinar PPT

This is the PowerPoint with notes from the webinar on 1/12/2017.
December 12, 2016

Local Education Agencies Eligible for RtI_SLD

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that have applied for approval to use Response to Instruction(RtI) to determine Specific Learning Disabilities and their approval/renewal dates.