Standards Aligned Instruction and PA Dynamic Learning Maps (PA DLM)

Access to the general education curriculum is a requirement of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regardless of disability or placement.  PA DLM is a comprehensive system of content, instructional resources, and professional development. It provides students with the most significant cognitive disabilities accessible, standards-aligned subject matter through Essential Elements (EEs).  

Essential Elements: (bullet the below) 

  • are a bridge to grade level standards using accessible linkage levels  
  • are not a curriculum  
  • are available in K-12 and are aligned to the PA Core Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics and the PA STEELS Standards in Science.  
  • prepare students for jobs, education, and community involvement after high school 

Featured Resources:  


The video presents four essential strategies for academic success for students with significant cognitive disabilities and explores postsecondary opportunities for those who take the DLM alternate assessment. The information is based on an ATLAS study that examines how DLM academic standards help prepare students for further education and career paths.

English Language Arts

English Language Arts (ELA) Essential Elements (EEs) build a bridge from ELA PA Core Standards to expectations for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.  

Essential Elements:

  • are available in ELA for Kindergarten through Grade 12  
  • are reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity in relation to grade level standards 
  • provide linkage levels for varying degrees of reading and writing access at tested grades 
  • are represented on instructional mini-maps that show different pathways for learning academic skills  

ELA Resources: 

View alignment of ELA PA Core Standards to ELA EEs 

Link to: PA Core Standards to EEs Crosswalk with ELA Mini-Maps (xlsx)   

View ELA EEs on interactive webpage 

Link to: PA DLM ELA Instructional Resources Webpage 

View an instructional planning tool connecting big ideas, concepts, essential questions and mini-maps 

Link to: PASA DLM Unpacking Essential Elements for ELA Instruction Including Mini-Maps   

View Exemplar Text Supports, Instructional Resources, Professional Development and more 

Link to: DLM webpage - Center for Literacy and Disability Studies    

View PA Core Standards, EEs and instructional mini-maps in PDE SAS using View Standards tab 

Link to: PDE SAS  


Mathematics Essential Elements (EEs) build a bridge from Mathematics PA Core Standards to expectations for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.  

Essential Elements:

  • are available in Mathematics for Kindergarten through Grade 12  
  • are reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity in relation to grade level standards 
  • provide linkage levels for varying degrees of mathematics access at tested grades 
  • are represented on instructional mini-maps that show different pathways for learning academic skills 

Mathematics Resources 

View alignment of Mathematics PA Core Standards to Mathematics EEs  

Link to: PA Core Standards to EEs Crosswalk with Math Mini-Maps (xlsx) 

View Mathematics EEs on interactive webpage  

Link to: PA DLM Mathematics Instructional Resources Webpage 

View an instructional planning tool connecting big ideas, concepts, essential questions and mini-maps 

Link to: PASA DLM Unpacking Essential Elements for Math Instruction Including Mini-Maps   

View professional development training modules that support mathematics instruction 

Link to: DLM Webpage - Professional Development 


View PA Core Standards, EEs and instructional mini-maps in PDE SAS using View Standards tab 

Link to: PDE SAS 


Science Essential Elements (EEs) build a bridge from PA STEELS Standards to expectations for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. New PA EEs will be released this school year.  

Essential Elements: 

  • are available in grade bands K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 
  • are reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity in relation to grade level standards 
  • provide linkage levels for varying degrees of access at tested grades 

Science Resources: 

View details regarding the release of new Science EEs 

Link to: PA DLM Science Instruction and Assessment Updates - FAQ 

View Science EEs on interactive webpage 

Link to: PA DLM Science Instructional Resources Webpage  

View Science Activities for Instructional Use 

Link to: Science Instructional Activities  

View Science Lesson Plans 

Link to: Science Lesson Plans