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Recorded Sessions Are Now Available!

2024 PA Transition Conference

28th National Autism Conference

MTSS for ELs: PLUSS Framework Workshop

Join us at your Local PaTTAN Office!

Making a Difference in PA - Together!

2024 MTSS & PBIS Implementers’ Forum

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Customized Professional Development and Technical Assistance

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PaTTAN Conferences

Find out more about PaTTAN's upcoming conferences!

About PaTTAN

Working with the Bureau of Special Education (BSE), Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), PaTTAN provides a full array of professional development and technical assistance targeted to improving student results. This professional development and technical assistance takes many forms in order to meet the varied needs of PaTTAN’s constituents. Week-long summer institutes, ongoing professional development series, webinars, on-site assistance, and individual student or teacher supports are some of the means by which PaTTAN provides support to schools.

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Kids Smiling