LEA Participation Expectations Across Roles

LEA Participation Expectations Across Roles 

  • I The coach guide school teams in implementation of evidence-based practices and support sustainability of practice. This individual will attend consultant training and participate in onsite-guided practice with the PaTTAN Autism Initiative consultants.​ 
  • The internal coach will extend application of the onsite consultation within the LEA, building and/or region. Professional personnel who may be considered for the internal coach role include but are not limited to autism/behavior contact, administrators, behavior analysts, school psychologists, special education consultants, a lead teacher and/or the speech and language therapists. ​ 
  • The internal coach will be serving as a layer of support to implement the following: ​ 
  • Overlap with PAI consultants. ​ 
  • Guided practice with staff​ 
  • Follow through on recommendations.​ 
  • Treatment fidelity measures​ 
  • Team meetings/training with verifying documentation​ 
  • Internal coaches will acquire and demonstrate competencies consistent with the ability to provide support to the participating sites in the absence of PaTTAN support. ​ 


  • Inform school teams and families of acceptance into PAI Supports and review purpose of consultation. ​ 
  • Routinely follow up with the internal coach on classroom implementation.​ 
  • Overlap at a minimum of two consults per school year with the PAI consultants.​ 
  • Opportunities to meet with PAI consultants to receive classroom updates related to evidence-based practices. ​ 
  • Provide teachers with opportunities to attend training sessions offered by PAI pending coverage, financial ability and other areas if needed as identified.​ 

Special Education Teacher 

  • Opportunities to work collaboratively with PAI consultants to prioritize and implement Site Review criteria during consultation visits. ​ 
  • Opportunities to attend training sessions offered by PAI. ​ 
  • Opportunities to expand professional development through conferences.​ 
  • Ongoing training and technical assistance from PAI consultants.​ 
  • Provide communication to families designed to keep them informed about their child’s specific program and progress.​ 


  • Collaborate and support classroom teams with implementation of evidence-based practices through training and technical assistance. ​ 

Related Service Providers 

  • Support classroom teams with implementation of evidence-based practices through training and technical assistance. ​ 


  • PaTTAN consultation will exist in collaboration with IU supports as positioned by the LEA.​ 
  • Where possible PaTTAN and IU TaC will co-construct, deliver and maintain classroom practices.​ 

Outside Agency Support 

  • Support classroom teams with implementation of evidence-based practices through training and technical assistance. ​