The Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP)

The Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP) is a panel that works to improve special education in Pennsylvania. The SEAP: advises the Secretary of Education and the Department of Education on the unmet educational needs of students with disabilities, on corrective action plans, and on developing and implementing policies to improve coordination of services to these students, reviews and comments on Pennsylvania’s Annual Performance Report, on proposed special education regulations, and on funding procedures, and helps the Department of Education develop and report information that is required by law to the U.S. Secretary of Education. Please use the following link to access materials provided at the scheduled SEAP meetings. SEAP Materials


Schedule: Upcoming SEAP Meetings

Date Time Location
September 18, 2024 5:45PM to 7:45PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
September 19, 2024 8 AM to 12 PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
November 13, 2024 5:45PM to 7:45PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
November 14, 2024 8 AM to 12 PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
December 18, 2024 5:45PM to 7:45PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
December 19, 2024 8 AM to 12 PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
February 4, 2025 5:45PM to 7:45PM Hershey Lodge, Hershey 
February 5, 2025 8 AM to 10:30AM Hershey Lodge, Hershey
April 23, 2025 5:45PM to 7:45PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
April 24, 2025 8 AM to 12 PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
May 28, 2025 5:45PM to 7:45PM PaTTAN Harrisburg
May 29, 2025 8 AM to 12 PM PaTTAN Harrisburg

Public Attendance

Meeting Registation and Public Comment

Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP) advises the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) on the education of children with disabilities. SEAP’s purpose is to provide a broad base of input to the Secretary of Education of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), the Bureau of Special Education (BSE), and the Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports (BEISFS) regarding policies, practices and issues related to the education of children and youth with disabilities who are between the ages of 3 through 21 years of age. In addition to the required federal mandates for State Advisory Panel members, SEAP seeks out and identifies best practices and anticipates future needs for special education in Pennsylvania.
Thank you for your interest in attending the upcoming SEAP meeting. Please complete the registration so that we may send you the Zoom link. To register to attend a SEAP meeting, and provide public comment at 11:30 AM on day two of the SEAP meeting, we ask that you also complete that section of the survey.

SEAP Survey - to register to attend a SEAP meeting

Meeting Registration - English Version
Encuesta en espaƱol


Public comment 

  • Please limit your comments to no more than five minutes. If you are unable to share comments due to time constraints, you  are invited to submit written comments.
  • Please keep your comments factual and objective. In order to maintain confidentiality and privacy standards, please avoid naming individuals (such as students, families, school staff, agency personnel, etc.)
  • Public comment period is intended as an opportunity for the public to make comments. It is not intended to be interactive with the panel.
  • Your written comments will be appended to the meeting minutes.
  • Your input will be taken under advisement as the SEAP addresses its priorities.

Contact information for other questions/comments:


Hearing Officer Decisions

IDEA Hearing Officer Decisions issued July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.  To view a particular decision, please reference: ODR Hearing Officer Decisions

To view a particular decision, please reference: ODR Hearing Search

Panel Members