Resources for Significant Disproportionality
The Pa Department of Education continues to support LEAs with resources for significant disproportionality. Please review the resources and let us know how PDE can help!
The Significant Disproportionality YouTube Playlist introduces the PDE Equitable Practices Hub's six Equity Pillars of Practice in brief webinars. These are designed as an introduction to the pillars and offer considerations to mitigate significant disproportionality in special education.
Metro Center – Technical Assistance Center on Disproportionality
Technical Assistance Center on Disproportionality’s work includes building the capacity of regions and districts in understanding the root cause and systemically addressing the disproportionate assignment of various subgroups in special education. This entails providing professional development trainings, coaching, training follow-ups, materials, and resources.
The Pennsylvania Equity and Inclusion Toolkit
This is a document about Pennsylvania Equity and Inclusion Toolkit. It discusses the importance of creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. The toolkit provides resources and strategies for schools to prevent and address bias and discrimination. Download PDF
Equity and PBIS
- Using Discipline Data within SWPBIS to Identify and Address Disproportionality: A Guide for School Team
- Practice guide: The guides are based on the Center on PBIS’s 5-Point Equity Approach, which has been shown to be effective in increasing equity in schools. These 5 points include (a) using disaggregated discipline data, (b) ensuring that multi-tiered behavior frameworks are culturally responsive, (c) using engaging instruction, (d) developing effective policies, and (e) reducing implicit bias in discipline decisions
Learning for Justice about the importance of community and collective action in social justice movements. It discusses the need for community in order to foster change. The article also highlights the importance of collective civic action. It concludes by asking how individuals and communities can make a difference in the world.
Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Regulations (IDEA 2006) each state is required to submit a State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The SPP It is built around federally mandated indicators of performance and compliance and includes baseline data and measurable and rigorous targets for each indicator. The APR reports on the state’s performance in meeting the established targets.