
  • Bookshare: Federally funded library of accessible ebooks for students with qualifying disabilities 
  • Audio Description Project (ADP): Information and resources on audio description, including guidelines, training programs, accessible media options, and upcoming events for enhancing accessibility in education and entertainment. 

Continuing Education  

  • Section 508 Accessible Content Creation: Provides guidelines on creating accessible digital content, including documents, presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs, audio, video, and social media posts, to comply with the Revised 508 Standards for federal agencies. 
  • Microsoft Accessibility: Resources on how to use built-in tools in Office documents, such as the Check Accessibility button and Alt Text, to create better documents and improve user experience. 

Family Specific 

  • Individual Bookshare Membership: Families can register eligible children with a free Bookshare membership for home-use. This membership would be managed solely by the parent/guardian that registers their child.