Schools Engaging Families

Over 50 years of research is clear

--When schools engage in effective, authentic family engagement, all stakeholders win!  

Family engagement promotes equitable partnerships among schools, families, and communities to actively advance student achievement through shared commitment, decision making, and responsibility. Actively engaging families and your community benefits educators, administrators, families, and most importantly, our students! 


Families and schools working together, because our students are worth it 

Family Engagement Is...

  • a partnership 
  • a commitment between schools and families 
  • shared decision-making 
  • two way communication 
  • an effective strategy for improving student achievement 
  • a tool to increase work satisfaction  
  • research based and proven to have direct benefits for all 
  • the school's responsibility 

Family Engagement Isn't...

  • a way to measure attendance at events 
  • a method to get volunteers 
  • families being sent information 
  • showing up to Back to School Night 
  • about a fundraiser or book fair/bingo 
  • involvement or participation 
  • an ineffective way to improve student outcomes 
  • the family's responsibility 



- Office Lead
- State Lead
Linda Cartwright PaTTAN - EAST
Jacqui DiDomenico PaTTAN - EAST
Amiris Dipuglia PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Jennifer Geibel PaTTAN - WEST
Kimberly Jenkins PaTTAN - EAST
Lori Chamberlain PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Tara Kelly PaTTAN - EAST
Erin Campion PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Tesia Nasehi PaTTAN - EAST
Mara Bell PaTTAN - WEST
Christy Winski PaTTAN - CENTRAL