Secondary Transition Relevant Professional Learning

Professional learning opportunities for secondary transition in Pennsylvania provide educators with the tools and knowledge to support students with disabilities as they move from school to adulthood. These opportunities include workshops, online courses, and conferences that cover topics like transition planning, career readiness, and community partnerships. Educators learn best practices and strategies to help students achieve their goals. By participating in these professional learning opportunities, educators can better prepare students for successful futures. 

  • The Nuts and Bolts of Job Coaching 
    • This self-paced five module online course provides participants with relevant information regarding the role of a Job Coach to support students in community-based work settings. 

15 Ways for Job Coaches to Presume Competence in Students 

  • Essentials of Job Coaching  
  • Work-Based Learning 
  • DIF Grant Trainings CtLC and TD 
  • ELEVATUS/Healthy Relationships 
  • APR  Offerings for Transition Coordinators 
  • Transition Assessment Toolkits