PAI and Inclusive Practices

PAI is committed to supporting students in the least restrictive environment and is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to learn and thrive alongside their peers, and we are dedicated to ensuring that happens. By adopting a rigorous, evidence-based approach, we empower teachers to seamlessly integrate inclusive practices into their daily instructional routines and rituals. This commitment reflects our belief in the transformative power of inclusion, where every student is valued and given the tools they need to succeed. We are fully dedicated to fostering an educational environment where inclusivity is not just an initiative, but a fundamental practice embedded in the fabric of our teaching and learning. 

Inclusive Success Stories Around the State:


Elementary School Natural Environment Instruction: In this clip, students are learning skills in the natural environment to participate meaningfully and successfully in a painting project. Targeted skills and teaching materials have been predetermined and organized to maximize teaching opportunities. 

Elementary School Chorus Concert: This photo was taken during an elementary chorus concert. What an amazing inclusive opportunity for a student who not only loves to be with his peers, he loves to sing too! PAI is committed to supporting classroom teams in prioritizing student interests and strengths, integrating this into instructional programs so students can meaningfully participate in school-wide events. 

Middle School Chorus Concert: What a performance this was for the audience attending a middle school chorus concert. The school team prioritized the lyrics and dance movements to each song to promote success outcomes for this student as he performed with his peers and family members. 

Middle School Dance: In this photo, a group of students are enjoying their 8th grade school dance to close out the school year. Who doesn’t love selfies with props in the photo booth? Smile!

Middle School Talent Show: What a thrilling experience this was for this group of middle school students to participate in the middle school talent show together. Inclusive opportunities give students a chance to learn about each other’s shared interests and to have FUN together! 

High School Work Experience: 

In this clip, we are taking care of business! Fulfilling the duties of his job at the cafe, this student confidently and proudly executes his job responsibilities with accuracy and positivity. Order up! 

Active Engagement with Peers: Learning is doing! Active engagement in the classroom is crucial for fostering positive outcomes for students. When students are actively engaged, they are more likely to be motivated, understand the material, retain information, and apply what they’ve learned in meaningful ways.

High School “Promposal”: 

In this clip, an incredible moment was shared between two friends in this ‘Promposal’ creating a sense of community and belonging that reflected the spirit of the event. 

High School Prom Court: 

Inclusive opportunities lead to optimal outcomes for learning and to build friendships amongst peers. What a special moment for this student, his friends, and family as they shared in his excitement and pride to be named prom king for their school!  

How We Got Here! High quality instruction leads us to endless possibilities! 

NAC Highlights Inclusive Practices: PAI Consultants emphasized the importance of creating a learning environment where every student, regardless of ability, background, or need, is given equal opportunity to succeed. This presentation is designed to educate and inspire educators by showcasing evidence-based inclusive practices that benefit all students. The session emphasizes data-driven decision-making, effective programming, instructional strategies, and fostering student interests and skill development to create positive outcomes in an inclusive learning environment and promote inclusive opportunities.

To view this session, What Every Teacher Needs to Know to Best Support Students with ASD, please visit: