Special Education Leadership

Achieving Balance: Managing Compliance, Leading Improvement


Leadership-Logo-(1).jpgWelcome, dedicated leader of special education! Thank you for your commitment to supporting students with disabilities and their families across the Commonwealth.

Special education leadership is as complex and diverse as the students it intends to serve. The roles, duties and responsibilities of special education leaders are as varied as the practices, policies and systems of accountability that govern their ability to meet the challenges they encounter on a regular basis. In response to these demands, the resources on this webpage are designed to help you achieve balance, manage compliance and lead improvement. Aligning to federal and state regulations while promoting evidence based practices, PaTTAN’s training and technical assistance opportunities ultimately help support outcomes for students with disabilities and their families.

Pennsylvania’s Special Education Leadership Initiative is a statewide effort that strives to Attract, Prepare and Retain special education leaders across the Commonwealth as they administer programs and services for students with disabilities. Special education administrators are expected to be knowledgeable about special education law and effective programming for students with disabilities.



- Office Lead
- State Lead
Tracy Ficca PaTTAN - EAST
Nichole Kopco PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Christine Moon PaTTAN - WEST
Sandy Shacklady-White PaTTAN - EAST
Kimberly Cole PaTTAN - EAST
Cecil Crouch PaTTAN - WEST
Darla Bryant PaTTAN - WEST
Susan Fariss PaTTAN - WEST
Eva Allen PaTTAN - WEST
Amanda Thompson-Winnor PaTTAN - WEST
Rachel Bixler PaTTAN - CENTRAL