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Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals - Part 1 of 4 - Introduction

00:17:29 minutes
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools. This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals. There are four separate sections to this training package: • Introduction • Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals • Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations • When and How We Use Paraprofessionals You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.

Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals - Part 2 of 4 - Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals

00:25:17 minutes
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools. This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals. There are four separate sections to this training package: • Introduction • Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals • Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations • When and How We Use Paraprofessionals You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.

Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals - Part 3 of 4 - Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations

00:25:56 minutes
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools. This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals. There are four separate sections to this training package: • Introduction • Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals • Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations • When and How We Use Paraprofessionals You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.

Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals - Part 4 of 4 - When and How We Use Paraprofessionals

00:42:27 minutes
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools. This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals. There are four separate sections to this training package: • Introduction • Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals • Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations • When and How We Use Paraprofessionals You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.

Leading by Convening: The Human Side of Practice Change

01:26:00 minutes
Sometimes the most well researched and carefully implemented strategies just don't “stick.” What accounts for disconnect we often see between research and practice? What might make a difference? Over 15 years, 50 national organizations came together to address common challenges through the IDEA Partnership at the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE). The lived experience of their members led to a focus on the human side of practice change. In this session, we will explore Leading by Convening (LbC), a blueprint for authentic engagement written entirely by stakeholders, which includes tools that are ready-to-use in your work.

NOREP/Prior Written Notice: Lessons Learned in the Field

00:59:31 minutes
Special education laws and regulations ensure that parents are given opportunities to participate meaningfully in their child’s special education experiences. The NOREP/PWN: Lessons Learned in the Field webinar will provide an opportunity for participants to gain a better understanding of the legal requirements and implications of the NOREP/PWN, as well as how legal concerns may transpire when parents are not provided their procedural rights from the perspective of a hearing officer.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: What Administrators Need to Know

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: What Administrators Need to Know

This training is especially helpful for administrators who oversee students in their schools who qualify for 504 Service Agreements. This training will provide administrators with information on Section 504 including: • History of Section 504 • Definition • Qualifications for a 504 Service Agreement • Components of a 504 Service Agreement • Differences from special education • Current Trends • Litigation

The Adaptive Leader's Tool Box

00:56:42 minutes
You've decided to work on an issue by bringing people together. Congratulations! You are on your way to better outcome through relationships. Making the decision is not enough. The people you want and need to work with may be reluctant to engage. They continuously take in messages about your sincerity and how you view them as partners. In this session, we will explore three stakeholder developed tools to help you focus on the human side of practice change.