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Introduction to the PA State Performance Plan Parent Survey

Introduction to the PA State Performance Plan Parent Survey

00:02:40 minutes
The purpose of this video is to introduce the PA State Performance Plan (SPP) Parent Survey, otherwise known as the Indicator 8 survey. Viewers will learn why the Parent Survey is important, as well as how it is implemented.

Introduction to the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Guide Website

00:29:29 minutes
This webinar orients youth, family members and school personnel to Pennsylvania’s Secondary Transition Guide website: The webinar addresses why the website was developed, how the website is formatted, and how to navigate the website.

Keynote - Don't Limit Me! (or Students Like Me)

00:56:19 minutes
This keynote session highlights Megan's 'Don't Limit Me!' video, which received nearly 400,000 hits on YouTube. As an adult with Down syndrome, Megan addresses teaching special students the 'right way' - by teaching them independence, respect, and holding them to high standards. Megan discusses her careers as a fashion model, public speaker, event planner, entrepreneur, and, now, TV celebrity. Kris Bomgaars talks about her journey as a single mother. To better understand and navigate the educational system, Kris became a special ed teacher, herself. She has been instrumental in helping Megan grow up to be independent and follow her dreams.
Keynote (Day 1) : How Learning Happens: What does science have to do with it? | Math Conference 2023

Keynote (Day 1) : How Learning Happens: What does science have to do with it? | Math Conference 2023

00:56:58 minutes
Participants will learn what learning is, what the basics of our cognitive architecture are (how our brains receive and process information and how it is stored as knowledge) and what helps and hinders learning. We will then discuss a number of guiding principles for effective, efficient, and enjoyable (i.e., successful) learning as well as a few principles often used in math, that have time and again been shown not to work.
Keynote (Day 2): Building a Strong Foundation in Math Through EBPs | Math Conference 2023

Keynote (Day 2): Building a Strong Foundation in Math Through EBPs | Math Conference 2023

01:00:00 minutes
Mathematics content is highly compressed in the early grades. Recent research links difficulties with mathematics proficiency to concerns with acquiring early numeracy skills. However, students who are provided a strong foundation in early numeracy have increased likelihood of later success in mathematics applications in school and work. In this presentation, evidence-based practices (EBPs) will be highlighted and demonstrated across mathematical progressions.
Keynote: Literacy as a Human Right | 2022 Literacy Symposium

Keynote: Literacy as a Human Right | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:59:49 minutes
Access all of the sessions at In a knowledge economy, the human right of the 21st Century is literacy. What is at stake for children who fall through the cracks in systems without a strategically designed literacy safety net in place? What do parents and other community stakeholders deserve to know about this high stakes imperative? What are the coordinated systems that lay a blue print to successfully develop skilled readers, writers, and critical thinkers? What is possible when we ensure children become literate for a lifetime, regardless of zip code or student group?
Keynote: State of the Network | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

Keynote: State of the Network | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

00:21:33 minutes
The PaPBS' Coaches Day is specifically designed to support Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school-wide and program-wide PBIS coaches. Through participation in PAPBS Coaches' Day, PBIS coaches at all levels will enhance their skills to provide coaching supports to their respective PBIS team(s) for initial and sustained implementation, working toward fidelity. PBIS Coaches will participate in sessions customized to their role (program-wide or school-wide), developmental level(s) of students they serve (early childhood, elementary, secondary) as well as level of coaching experience (ranging from new to experienced).
Keynote: What Do Phonemes Have to Do With It? | 2022 Literacy Symposium

Keynote: What Do Phonemes Have to Do With It? | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:00:34 minutes
Current debates about the role of phoneme awareness instruction are, unfortunately, creating confusion where there needs to be clarity. We will revisit these questions: Why is phoneme awareness challenging? How is phoneme awareness distinct from, but related to, both word recognition and spelling? How can we select appropriate activities for students whose PA is underdeveloped? What do those activities look like?

Language-Literacy Connections: Combining Assessment, Instruction, and Intervention

01:27:04 minutes
This session will focus on interconnections between oral language and literacy development across the grades from kindergarten through high school. Topics will include implications for identifying typical development, difference, and disorder using standardized tools followed by curriculum- based language assessment and intervention. Classroom- and curriculum-based approaches for combining general education instruction and special education intervention, with an emphasis on communicating through writing, will be introduced.
Leaders & Learning in Literacy: Transforming an Elem. Book Room to Align with the Science of Reading

Leaders & Learning in Literacy: Transforming an Elem. Book Room to Align with the Science of Reading

00:17:23 minutes
Recording of reading specialist, Lisa Flute, as she shares details about how she transformed the North Side Elementary's book room to resemble the Simple View of Reading. Books are organized by those that support accurate, automatic word recognition and those the develop language comprehension. Lisa will share organization details and re-purposing of leveled text.