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Results 751-760 of 847

Strategies for Executive Skills Development in Students with Traumatic Brain Injury, Part Two

01:40:48 minutes
Executive skills refer to the cognitive processes required to plan and organize activities, including task initiation and follow through, planning/organization, working memory, performance monitoring, inhibition of impulses, and self-regulation. Executive skills involve the integration of information across brain regions, particularly the frontal lobes, and therefore any type of significant acquired brain injury is likely to negatively impact executive skills. These skills are at the heart of what is seen as independent problem solving, goal directed persistence, and motivation. Students with executive skill deficits have problems in all these domains, and they present tremendous challenges to both parents and teachers who often find themselves frustrated by children whose problems in school seem to have little to do with how smart they are or how easily they learn.
Structured Literacy Intervention: Chapter 1 with Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling

Structured Literacy Intervention: Chapter 1 with Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling

01:00:30 minutes
In this first book study session Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling reviews and elaborates on Chapter 1: An Introduction to Structured Literacy and Poor-Reader Profiles. Link to all materials:
Structured Literacy Intervention: Chapter 2 with Dr Stephanie Al Otaiba and Dr. Jill Allor

Structured Literacy Intervention: Chapter 2 with Dr Stephanie Al Otaiba and Dr. Jill Allor

01:02:38 minutes
This video presentation by Dr. Stephanie Al Otaiba and Dr. Jill Allor is part of a PaTTAN book study series. This ten-week series focuses on structured literacy topics in the book, Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6. In this second book study session Dr. Stephanie Al Otaiba and Dr. Jill Allor review and elaborate on Chapter 2: Structured Literacy Interventions for Phonemic Awareness and Basic Word Recognition Skills
Structured Literacy Intervention: Chapter 9 with Dr. Susan Lambrecht Smith & Dr. Charles Haynes

Structured Literacy Intervention: Chapter 9 with Dr. Susan Lambrecht Smith & Dr. Charles Haynes

Link to all materials: This video presentation is part of a PaTTAN book study series. This ten-week series focuses on structured literacy topics in the book, Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6. In this ninth book study session Dr. Susan L ambrecht Smith and Dr. Charles Haynes review and elaborate on Chapter 9: Structured Literacy Intervention for Written Expression
Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 10 with Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling

Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 10 with Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling

00:56:47 minutes
Link to all materials: This video presentation is part of a PaTTAN book study series. This ten-week series focuses on structured literacy topics in the book, Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6. In this tenth book study session Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling reviews and elaborates on Chapter 10: Structured Literacy Intervention for Mixed Reading Difficulties
Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 3 with Dr. Devin Kearns

Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 3 with Dr. Devin Kearns

01:14:42 minutes
Link to all materials: This video presentation by Dr. Devin Kearns is part of a PaTTAN book study series. This ten-week series focuses on structured literacy topics in the book, Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6. In this third book study session Dr. Devin Kearns reviews and elaborates on Chapter 3: Structured Literacy Interventions for Reading Long Words
Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 6 with Dr. Mike Coyne

Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 6 with Dr. Mike Coyne

00:58:28 minutes
This video presentation is part of a PaTTAN book study series. This ten-week series focuses on structured literacy topics in the book, Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6. In this sixth book study session Dr. Mike Coyne reviews and elaborates on Chapter 6: Structured Literacy Interventions for Vocabulary Link to all materials:
Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 7 with Dr. Richard Zipoli

Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 7 with Dr. Richard Zipoli

01:03:26 minutes
This video presentation is part of a PaTTAN book study series. This ten-week series focuses on structured literacy topics in the book, Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6. In this sixth book study session Dr. Richard Zipoli reviews and elaborates on Chapter 7: Structured Literacy Interventions for Oral Language Link to all materials:
Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 8 with Dr. Elizabeth Stevens & Dr. Christy Austin

Structured Literacy Interventions: Chapter 8 with Dr. Elizabeth Stevens & Dr. Christy Austin

01:01:51 minutes
Link to all materials: This video presentation is part of a PaTTAN book study series. This ten-week series focuses on structured literacy topics in the book, Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6. In this eighth book study session Dr. Elizabeth Stevens and Dr. Christy Austin review and elaborate on Chapter 8: Structured Reading Comprehension Intervention for Students with Reading Difficulties.

Student Inspiration

00:00:12 minutes