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More On Intervention Approaches for Students Who Have CVI

More On Intervention Approaches for Students Who Have CVI

00:48:30 minutes
This two-part training provides a deep dive into interventions for children with CVI, including those with deaf-blindness, looking at connection to assessment, daily routines, and the ECC with an emphasis on multidimensional intervention approaches. This is webinar six of an 8-part series.
Multidimensional Intervention Approaches for Students Who Have CVI

Multidimensional Intervention Approaches for Students Who Have CVI

00:55:02 minutes
This two-part training provides a deep dive into interventions for children with CVI, including those with deaf-blindness, looking at connection to assessment, daily routines, and the ECC with an emphasis on multidimensional intervention approaches. This is webinar five of an 8-part series.
Multiple Methods of Assessment for Students with CVI Including Those Who Are Deaf-Blind

Multiple Methods of Assessment for Students with CVI Including Those Who Are Deaf-Blind

00:45:14 minutes
Multiple Methods of Assessment for Students with CVI Including Those Who Are Deaf-Blind

Open Hands Open Access Intervener Learning Modules Related to Students who are Deaf-Blind

01:01:30 minutes
The participants will be provided information on the on-line training resource The Open Hands Open Access (OHOA) Intervener Learning Modules which are a national resource related to the intervention for students who are deaf-blind and are being served in educational settings, and how the Pennsylvania Deaf-Blind Project is supporting this learning resource for module participants across the Commonwealth. During this one-hour webinar learn about PaTTAN’s upcoming OHOA Module training, training schedule and its “kick off”. Meet the staff of the Pennsylvania Deaf-Blind Project and your module co-hosts. The primary purpose of the modules was to provide a resource for the acquisition of specialized skills for paraeducators working with students with deaf-blindness functioning in the role of the intervener. An intervener provides a bridge to the world for the student who is deafblind. The intervener helps the student gather information, learn concepts and skills, develop communication and language, and establish relationships that lead to greater independence. The intervener is a support person who does with, not for the student. The module content was created by a diverse group of experts in the field of deaf-blindness including state and national deaf-blind project staff, parents of children who are deaf-blind, higher education faculty,teachers, educational interpreters, and interveners.

PA School Vision Screening Guidelines

01:05:52 minutes

Physical Activity for Elementary Age Children With Visual Impairments, Blindness or Deaf-Blindness - Part 1

02:42:24 minutes
Children with visual impairments, blindness, or deaf-blindness (including students with multiple disabilities) have unique educational needs. In addition, they have very specific needs related to learning in physical education. Physical education is important, as it can cover all domains of behavior, including the affective, cognitive, and the psychomotor. Physical education also covers all of the nine Expanded Core Curriculum components when done correctly. The purpose of this presentation is to teach professionals the specific strategies to teach children with visual impairments in the elementary ages. This includes a variety of resources for participants to take home and share with colleagues and parents.

Public Forum on Pennsylvania's UEB Implementation for Math and Technical Content

00:20:36 minutes
This recorded presentation provides a brief historical overview of the factors that led to the adoption of UEB and contrasts key features of the braille codes currently used for math and technical content in the United States.
Students with CVI: The CVI Profile

Students with CVI: The CVI Profile

00:53:35 minutes
This webinar will look at the varied manifestations of CVI for children of all ages including those with additional disabilities with a coordinated approach that leads to individualized CVI Profiles. This is webinar two of an 8-part series.

The Blind Advantage How Going Blind Made Me a Stronger Principal and How Including Children with Disabilities Made Our School Better for Everyone

01:06:40 minutes
Dr. William Henderson transformed a Boston public school. In his book, The Blind Advantage, Dr. Henderson describes how losing his sight helped him think about learning and teaching in a new way. In his 30s, fit, and a father of three, he was going blind due to a degenerative disease. His doctor told him to stop teaching, as he would qualify for disability coverage. Instead, Henderson pursued a doctorate in education. He learned how to read Braille and use a cane. In knowing that a disability wouldn’t stop him, Henderson understood that all kids with disabilities could thrive in a rigorous academic setting. He went on to use his leadership skills and insight to transform the Patrick O’Hearn Elementary School in Dorchester, now known as the Henderson School.

Vision and Learning

00:40:59 minutes