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2013-2014 Expanding the Literacy Toolkit: Interventions for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing Vocabulary Toolkit: Teaching Words to Build Comprehension

02:01:41 minutes
The Literacy Toolkit is a training series consisting of a progressive sequence of interactive webinars focused on expanding the instructional interventions used to promote the literacy achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentations in the training series will focus on how to plan and implement instructional interventions based on student learning needs and evidenced-based assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and progress monitoring). Instructional delivery “techniques” and implementation “tips and tricks” will be discussed. Additionally, a set of intervention resources, materials, weblinks, and e-learning applications will be assembled for each topic to assist with implementation.

504 or IEP

00:03:44 minutes
This video highlights two ways to provide the specialized instruction and classroom accommodation for deaf or hard of hearing students: an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and a Section 504 Plan.

Batter Up! Sports Vocabulary for Interpreting P.E. Classes and Team Sports

01:58:31 minutes
Educational interpreters are called upon to interpret physical education classes, team sports and classroom content that may include sporting events. The setting for these events is extremely varied, including the classroom, gymnasium, athletic fields, swimming pools and stadiums. To provide quality interpretations that meet the needs of the student athletes who are deaf or hard of hearing, knowing the sign vocabulary associated with that sport is not enough. Setting up the plays, defense, offense and strategies is vital to provide access to the information and to enable the student to participate and perform to the best of her ability and potential. Participants will discuss and practice not only the vocabulary associated with sports, but also the discourse structures that may be used by the PE teacher or coach.

Comprehension Strategy Toolkit: Building Comprehension with Main Idea Identification and Summarizing

01:56:19 minutes
The Literacy Toolkit is a training series consisting of a progressive sequence of interactive webinars focused on expanding the instructional interventions used to promote the literacy achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentations in the training series will focus on how to plan and implement instructional interventions based on student learning needs and evidenced-based assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and progress monitoring). Instructional delivery “techniques” and implementation “tips and tricks” will be discussed. Additionally, a set of intervention resources, materials, weblinks, and e-learning applications will be assembled for each topic to assist with implementation.
Considerations For Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: The IEP and 504 Service Agreement

Considerations For Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: The IEP and 504 Service Agreement

This brief video provides general information regarding the differences between IEPs and 504 Service Agreements regarding students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Educational Interpreters: How Familiar Are You With Act 57? - S3 Episode 46

Educational Interpreters: How Familiar Are You With Act 57? - S3 Episode 46

Students who are deaf and hard of hearing need access to spoken language. Learn about the need for educational interpreters.

Expanding the Literacy Toolkit: Interventions for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing Fluency Toolkit: Bridging Decoding and Comprehension with Fluency Interventions

02:06:02 minutes
The Literacy Tookit is a training series consisting of a progressive sequence of interactive webinars focused on expanding the instructional interventions used to promote the literacy achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentations in the training series will focus on how to use assessment information primarily from the Qualitative Reading Inventory-5 (QRI-5), as well as other evidenced based assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and progress monitoring) to plan and implement instructional interventions. Instructional delivery “techniques” and implementation “tips and tricks” will be discussed, and a set of intervention resources, materials, weblinks, and e-learning applications will be assembled for each topic to assist with implementation.

Expanding the Literacy Toolkit: Retelling Toolkit: Building Comprehension with Text Structure and Retelling Interventions

02:10:54 minutes
The Literacy Tookit is a training series consisting of a progressive sequence of interactive webinars focused on expanding the instructional interventions used to promote the literacy achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentations in the training series will focus on how to use assessment information primarily from the Qualitative Reading Inventory-5 (QRI-5), as well as other evidenced based assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and progress monitoring) to plan and implement instructional interventions. Instructional delivery “techniques” and implementation “tips and tricks” will be discussed, and a set of intervention resources, materials, weblinks, and e-learning applications will be assembled for each topic to assist with implementation.
Hour with the Expert - How to Recruit & Retain Teachers of Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Hour with the Expert - How to Recruit & Retain Teachers of Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

00:59:56 minutes
In this session, participants will discuss qualities of Teachers of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (TODHH) and what will assist educational programs in attracting and retaining them as staff members.
Hour with the Expert - Pediatric Unilateral Hearing Loss: An Evidence Based Update

Hour with the Expert - Pediatric Unilateral Hearing Loss: An Evidence Based Update

00:56:17 minutes
Previous studies have shown that children with unilateral hearing loss (UHL) are at an increased risk for a range of developmental difficulties and delays. However, there are considerable individual differences in outcomes among children with UHL. This presentation will provide an evidence base update on pediatric UHL.