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FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO: La voz de la familia en Pensilvania

FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO: La voz de la familia en Pensilvania

00:07:19 minutes
Descubra cómo FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO ha inspirado a los miembros y ha cambiado lo que es posible para sus hijos y para TODOS los niños de PA. Las familias comparten el impacto de presumir competencia y tener altas expectativas para los niños con discapacidades y necesidades especiales de atención médica.
Families to the Max - Family Network HELIX | PaTTANpod [S2E21]

Families to the Max - Family Network HELIX | PaTTANpod [S2E21]

00:15:10 minutes
Families to the Max is a Pennsylvania Statewide Family Network focused on offering parents of students with complex the needs knowledge, support, and collaboration. Email for more information.
FAMILIES TO THE MAX: The family voice in Pennsylvania

FAMILIES TO THE MAX: The family voice in Pennsylvania

00:07:18 minutes
Learn how FAMILIES TO THE MAX has inspire members and changed what’s possible for their children—and ALL children in PA. Families share the impact of presuming competence and having high expectations for children with disabilities and special health care needs.