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Getting Started: Using a Strengths-Based Model in OT and PT - A Roundtable Discussion

00:39:06 minutes
Following Dr. Winnie Dunn’s presentation on this topic, this roundtable will help occupational and physical therapists operationalize the practical steps necessary to incorporate strengths-based methods into their assessment and intervention in school settings.


00:03:43 minutes
Resilience, Empowerment, and Natural supports for Education and Work (RENEW) is a Tier 3 level intervention for students at risk of dropping out due to emotional and behavioral challenges. RENEW uses person-centered planning and connects students to both formal and informal supports to help them meet their goals by developing and engaging a team of helpers.

The Blind Advantage How Going Blind Made Me a Stronger Principal and How Including Children with Disabilities Made Our School Better for Everyone

01:06:40 minutes
Dr. William Henderson transformed a Boston public school. In his book, The Blind Advantage, Dr. Henderson describes how losing his sight helped him think about learning and teaching in a new way. In his 30s, fit, and a father of three, he was going blind due to a degenerative disease. His doctor told him to stop teaching, as he would qualify for disability coverage. Instead, Henderson pursued a doctorate in education. He learned how to read Braille and use a cane. In knowing that a disability wouldn’t stop him, Henderson understood that all kids with disabilities could thrive in a rigorous academic setting. He went on to use his leadership skills and insight to transform the Patrick O’Hearn Elementary School in Dorchester, now known as the Henderson School.