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Results 41-50 of 143
46. Literacy Leaders: A Key Lever for Literacy Equity

46. Literacy Leaders: A Key Lever for Literacy Equity

01:10:46 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Educational initiatives to improve reading outcomes by implementing the findings from the science of reading are being established in school systems across the country. In order for those initiatives to be sustainable and successful, multiple stakeholders must ensure that the roles they play are fully committed to the effort. This presentation will focus on the stakeholder role of the literacy leader in a school system such as building principals, curriculum directors, and superintendents. A case study of a successful implementation will be highlighted. Without knowledgeable, committed leadership, educators cannot fully implement the practices needed for transformation. But together, educators and leaders can create equitable access to literacy practices that are grounded in the science of reading for the sake of their student, ensuring that the initiative they embark upon is impactful and sustainable.
47. Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4-9 | 2022 Literacy Symposium

47. Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4-9 | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:12:41 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Do you have intermediate and secondary students that are still not reading accurately and fluently with good comprehension? In this webinar, Dr. Archer will review the major recommendations of the Educator’s Practice Guide recently released by the Institute of Education Sciences. These recommendations include: 1. building students’ decoding skills so they can read complex multi-syllabic words, 2. providing purposeful fluency-building activities, and 3. utilizing a number of research-validated comprehension practices. Join us on this webinar and gain insights into the research on reading intervention for older struggling readers.
48. Literacy for All | 2022 Literacy Symposium

48. Literacy for All | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:06:11 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 48. Literacy for All: Literacy Instruction and Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Literacy is a set of skills that opens a world of possibilities for all students, including students with significant cognitive disabilities. Despite the functionality of literacy, schools experience challenges when developing and implementing literacy instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities. This session will begin the discussion about what literacy instruction looks like for this group of students by discussing the definition of literacy, examining the research literature, and providing questions to help guide the development of literacy instruction.
51. Spelling in a Complex Orthography | 2022 Literacy Symposium

51. Spelling in a Complex Orthography | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:03:37 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 51. Spelling in a Complex Orthography: Can knowing better really help do better? Some people take to spelling like ducks to water. Others barely achieve proficiency. We are all somewhere on that scale. If we, as educators, know a great deal about the writing system, will that make even those at the less fortunate end of the scale better spellers? Lyn argues ‘yes’. In this address, Lyn shows, through practical demonstration, the benefits of systematically teaching the orthographic patterns of written English. Drawing on principles of cognitive load theory, linguistic analysis and her vast experience in varied educational settings, Lyn offers suggestions for implementing high quality spelling lessons into everyday classroom instruction.
52. Focused Oral Reading Practice | 2022 Literacy Symposium

52. Focused Oral Reading Practice | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:15:12 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Teachers often ask us how to include decodable readers during phonics instruction. This session answers that question. Teachers will learn how decodable texts are critical for beginning phonics instruction, when to start using decodable text, when it is appropriate to move away from decodable text, and how to track students’ progress with decodable texts. Teachers will also learn the importance of using decodable text to practice a new advanced phonics pattern when it is taught, even though students are capable of reading grade level text independently. There is a brief discussion of the difference between decodable and leveled texts.
53. Achieving Quality SOR Instruction – What Does It Take? | 2022 Literacy Symposium

53. Achieving Quality SOR Instruction – What Does It Take? | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:10:25 minutes
Access all of the sessions at While there is a growing research-based consensus that supports addressing our nation’s literacy crisis through instruction aligned with the Science of Reading (SoR) - there is also growing recognition of the complexity of the solution. What does it take? To begin, both pre-service and in-service teachers and leaders need to gain knowledge in the SOR. Teacher preparation must align with the SOR. But even with knowledge of the SOR, school leaders and teachers need ongoing coaching and support to master the complexities of implementation – in nearly every aspect of school and classroom design. In addition, student teachers prepared in the SOR, need field experience in schools that have quality SOR instruction in place. The solution is a collaboration between a university preparing teachers, and elementary schools committed to advancing quality SOR instruction. Learn about a collaboration between Read by 4th partners, Saint Joseph’s University, two Mastery Charter Schools, and AIM Institute. Saint Joseph’s prepares preservice teachers in the SOR, and the K-2 Mastery teachers and leaders have taken SOR-aligned courses from AIM Institute. With the knowledge in place, school and classroom design are then guided, over time, by the Dynamic Early Literacy Framework (DELF). The DELF rubric supports schools in assessing areas of growth related to seven drivers: Leadership, Assessment, Curricula, Instructional Practices, Supervision, Coaching & PD, and Family Engagement.
54. But I've Tried Everything | 2022 Literacy Symposium

54. But I've Tried Everything | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:15:44 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 54. But I've Tried Everything: What to Do When the Intervention Didn’t Work But, I’ve already tried that? Every participant has heard that at a problem-solving team meeting from a frustrated teacher. Many intervention intensification efforts are not successful because they do not address what the student actually needs. This session will demonstrate a data-based framework to intensify reading interventions based on the Taxonomy for Intervention Intensification. Participants will leave with intervention strategies and decision-making processes that are research-based and can be implemented the very next day.
55. MTSS for Reading in Secondary Schools | 2022 Literacy Symposium

55. MTSS for Reading in Secondary Schools | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:01:10 minutes
Access all of the sessions at In this session we will consider the organizational and content needs for MTSS for reading in middle and high school, starting from an understanding of the differing reading needs of secondary students. The session will focus on different models, useful assessments, and effective materials.
56. SRSD To Enhance Reading and Writing | 2022 Literacy Symposium

56. SRSD To Enhance Reading and Writing | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:04:34 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 56. SRSD (Self Regulated Strategy Development) To Enhance Reading and Writing Teaching students self-regulation in reading and writing can help them take a big step towards becoming better overall learners and communicators. This session will focus on the strategies at the core of the evidence-based teaching approach called Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD). SRSD is a scientifically validated framework for explicitly teaching academic strategies to students. SRSD has been shown to help develop student ownership and confidence while allowing them to take responsibility for their own learning. This structured, yet flexible approach is complementary to any curriculum. The use of SRSD has also been proven effective with Kindergarten to college students as well as students of all abilities. When it comes to reading and writing, self-regulation allows students to manage tasks and monitor progress, among other key skills.
57. Fonemas & Phonemes | 2022 Literacy Symposium

57. Fonemas & Phonemes | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:11:35 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 57. Fonemas & Phonemes: Comparing Spanish and English Sound Systems to Support Emergent Bilinguals In this session, we will compare and contrast the sound inventories of Spanish and English to understand emergent bilinguals' phonological development. We will also explore the implications of these similarities and differences for phonemic awareness, decoding, and encoding instruction for Spanish-English emergent bilinguals. (k-12)