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POWER:AAC Module 6: Provide Support and Scaffolds

01:02:36 minutes
Module 6 covers the visual supports and educational scaffolds that are essential in a POWER:AAC classroom environment, including tools to help students communicate with their AAC systems.

POWER:AAC Module 7: Practice Partner Skills

01:03:24 minutes
Module 7 covers the important topic of communication partner skills. AAC literature reports that adult communication partners facilitate communication growth for their students when they learn how to model language using the form of AAC the student is learning to use, create communication opportunities, and respond to students’ use of their systems with descriptive feedback.

POWER:AAC Module 8: Teach Vocabulary

01:21:11 minutes
Module 8 presents a variety of strategies for teaching students core and extended vocabulary using their AAC systems. These strategies provide starting points for guiding POWER:AAC classroom teams in developing their own systematic approach to teaching vocabulary use with their students.

POWER:AAC Module 9: Use AAC In Class

01:12:18 minutes
Module 9 addresses the four purposes of communication as defined by Janice Light in her work on Communicative Competence – wants and needs, information transfer, social closeness, and social etiquette. For students who use AAC, learning to communicate for these purposes puts them on a path towards increasing communication competence. IEP goals are also discussed in this module.

Progress Monitoring for Assistive Technology

00:31:36 minutes
This webinar will discuss progress monitoring of multiple types of measurable annual goals including reading, writing, and communication as it relates to the assistive technology tools used in reaching the goal. Participants will state the definition and requirements for assistive technology in the school environment and the IEP and describe the difference between monitoring the assistive technology tool and the IEP goal.
The Mystery of Assistive Technology | PaTTANpod [S1E7]

The Mystery of Assistive Technology | PaTTANpod [S1E7]

PaTTAN consultant, Doug Williams, demystifies assistive technology.

Windows Accessibility for Students with High-Incidence Disabilities

01:55:04 minutes
This webinar provides an overview of built-in accessibility tools, Windows operating system features, and common productivity tools that can be useful to students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., dyslexia, learning disabilities). It includes discussion and demonstration of third-party tools that are available at low or no-cost to serve the same purposes. Participants will also find the information useful for incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approaches to their instruction and supports.