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A Focus on Consideration of Assistive Technology

01:03:02 minutes
The need for Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services is one of the special considerations that IEP teams MUST address before developing the IEP. What do teams needs to know in order to do this? This session will provide information and resources to guide IEP teams in considering AT and addressing it in the IEP document.
AAC Talks 2019 - “I Have More To Say!”: Moving Beyond Requesting with AAC

AAC Talks 2019 - “I Have More To Say!”: Moving Beyond Requesting with AAC

00:48:27 minutes
Requesting is a common starting point for many emergent communicators. While requesting is a motivating place to begin, we often find ourselves feeling stuck there. In this session, we will explore ideas for incorporating core vocabulary into daily classroom routines, and provide examples of implementation.
AAC Talks 2019 - AAC Apps: Considerations for Selecting, Customizing, and Getting Started – Part 1

AAC Talks 2019 - AAC Apps: Considerations for Selecting, Customizing, and Getting Started – Part 1

00:59:05 minutes
There are many high-tech AAC options, including both dedicated AAC devices and AAC apps that run on off-the-shelf devices. In this first session of a two-part webinar, we will focus on available robust AAC apps that run on iOS (Apple-based) tablets. We will examine each app, highlight its unique features, and discuss how specific features can be used to address specific user needs.
AAC Talks 2019 - AAC Apps: Considerations for Selecting, Customizing, and Getting Started – Part 2

AAC Talks 2019 - AAC Apps: Considerations for Selecting, Customizing, and Getting Started – Part 2

00:59:02 minutes
In this second session of a two-part webinar, we will continue our exploration of available robust AAC apps that run on Apple (iOS) devices with a focus on motor plan-based AAC apps. We will also go over a few robust AAC apps that run on other platforms (Android, Windows, Kindle Fire, Web). We will examine each app, highlight its unique features, and discuss how those specific features can be used to address specific user needs. We will also touch on other considerations when selecting an AAC app including protection, portability, amplification, and access.
AAC Talks 2019 - Accessing AAC: Competence through the Lens of Activity and Engagement

AAC Talks 2019 - Accessing AAC: Competence through the Lens of Activity and Engagement

01:00:27 minutes
Providing a means of access to AAC for students with complex bodies is challenging for teams. In our efforts to teach access first, we often miss the crucial step of making sure that a student is developing competence in the activity. This is a process that comes over time from practice with and knowledge of the activity - anticipating the beginning, the middle, and end. For our students, sensory processing directly affects visual convergence, focus, attention, or postural control, each of which can be misread as “disinterest” or “lack of communicative intent”. This brief session will share strategies and insight for teaching - not testing- so that AAC users can be increasingly engaged in meaningful learning activities, both academic and functional, as access develops.
AAC Talks 2019 - EmPOWER your AAC Teams: Using POWER: AAC for Professional Development

AAC Talks 2019 - EmPOWER your AAC Teams: Using POWER: AAC for Professional Development

01:02:10 minutes
The 11 POWER:AAC modules on the PaTTAN website are being used (across the commonwealth and the country) for professional development by individuals or groups who are supporting students with complex communication needs who need or use AAC systems. This session will provide participants an opportunity to interact with the author and panelists in a Q & A session, as well as share their own experiences and recommendations for implementing the POWER:AAC modules as part of on-going professional development.
AAC Talks 2019 - Empowering Features and New Resources

AAC Talks 2019 - Empowering Features and New Resources

00:56:22 minutes
This session will provide an overview of features of “empowering” AAC software systems and eye-tracking technology. A user-friendly interface that incorporates popular and effective language programs (e.g. Unity and LAMP Words for Life on Accent devices) will be explored. A variety of new online resources designed to provide immediate support to teams will be also shared.
AAC Talks 2019 - Making a Core Approach Approachable

AAC Talks 2019 - Making a Core Approach Approachable

01:01:15 minutes
In this session, participants will learn about the features of communication tools that have the capacity to provide the communication support needed to implement a core focused approach and scaffold the development and growth of individuals who use AAC. A wealth of resources to be used by parents, caregivers, or professionals supporting individuals who use AAC will be included in this feature-rich overview of current AAC tools (e.g. Snap + Core First, Pathways for Core First, and more.)
AAC Talks 2019 - Power through Partnership: Lessons Learned in AAC Team Leadership

AAC Talks 2019 - Power through Partnership: Lessons Learned in AAC Team Leadership

01:15:08 minutes
Students who use AAC benefit from support both at school and at home in order to become proficient communicators. When families and professionals partner to provide this support, they are able to maximize functional communication across environments and identify new potential areas of growth. This session will highlight specific ways to invest, empower, and support team members. Participants will learn about numerous resources and strategies that can be used with families and professionals who have varying levels of AAC experience.
AAC Talks 2019 - Putting Aided Language Input into Practice

AAC Talks 2019 - Putting Aided Language Input into Practice

01:00:16 minutes
Communication is a two-way process; therefore, successful implementation of an AAC device depends as much on the skills of the person using AAC as it does on those of the communication partners. This session will provide an overview of the characteristics, roles, and responsibilities of communication partners working with people who use AAC, with a focus on aided language input. Shared reading will be discussed as a vehicle for learning to use aided language input to support device implementation and facilitate language learning. Participants will have the opportunity to put it to practice through a hands-on activity.