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Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: What Administrators Need to Know

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: What Administrators Need to Know

This training is especially helpful for administrators who oversee students in their schools who qualify for 504 Service Agreements. This training will provide administrators with information on Section 504 including: • History of Section 504 • Definition • Qualifications for a 504 Service Agreement • Components of a 504 Service Agreement • Differences from special education • Current Trends • Litigation

The Adaptive Leader's Tool Box

00:56:42 minutes
You've decided to work on an issue by bringing people together. Congratulations! You are on your way to better outcome through relationships. Making the decision is not enough. The people you want and need to work with may be reluctant to engage. They continuously take in messages about your sincerity and how you view them as partners. In this session, we will explore three stakeholder developed tools to help you focus on the human side of practice change.

Visible Learning: Collective Teacher Efficacy

01:18:48 minutes
What if you could triple the speed of student learning? According to findings by Professor John Hattie, a strong sense of Collective Teacher Efficacy can yield over three years of student growth over one school year. Now ranked the most powerful influence on achievement in the Visible Learning research, Collective Teacher Efficacy is a belief that together teachers can positively impact student learning. When efficacy is high, teachers show greater persistence and are more likely to try new learning approaches. Join Visible Learning expert, Kristin Anderson, for a review of the major factors that influence student learning and a discussion about how to create the conditions for Collective Teacher Efficacy.