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Addressing Behavior in the IEP

00:43:45 minutes
The question of when behavior impedes a student´s learning or the learning of others is a special consideration that IEP teams MUST address before developing the IEP. What do teams needs to know in order to do this? This session will provide information and resources to guide IEP teams in considering when behavior impedes learning and addressing it in the IEP document.

Developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs): Required Elements

01:06:21 minutes
Individualized Education Plans (IEPs): Required Elements - This webinar discusses the purpose of an IEP, the required contents of an IEP, required IEP team members, how the sections of the IEP are interconnected. Resources to aid in the development of IEPs are incorporated into the presentation. This session includes the recorded webinar, transcript, handout, and a discussion guide that can be used during the presentation to facilitate conversation about the content. These materials can be used to supplement professional development programs aimed at increasing the knowledge of general and special education teachers regarding the special education process.

Extended School Year (ESY)

00:27:45 minutes
Extended School Year (ESY) services are special education and related services provided to students with disabilities beyond the regular school year. Federal and state special regulations require that each local education agency (LEA) make available extended school year services to each eligible student whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) team has determined that ESY services are necessary for the child to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). This recorded webinar describes the process the IEP team utilizes in making ESY eligibility decisions, including the seven factors that must be considered, reliable data sources, and service delivery models. Timelines and procedures regarding the Armstrong Target Group are discussed.

NOREP/Prior Written Notice: Lessons Learned in the Field

00:59:31 minutes
Special education laws and regulations ensure that parents are given opportunities to participate meaningfully in their child’s special education experiences. The NOREP/PWN: Lessons Learned in the Field webinar will provide an opportunity for participants to gain a better understanding of the legal requirements and implications of the NOREP/PWN, as well as how legal concerns may transpire when parents are not provided their procedural rights from the perspective of a hearing officer.

Progress Monitoring for Students with IEPs: An Introduction

00:57:14 minutes
Progress Monitoring for Students with IEPs: An Introduction - This session describes the purpose of, and requirements around, progress monitoring in an IEP. Effective progress monitoring procedures are presented as well as examples of progress monitoring reports. Useful resources for accessing additional information about progress monitoring are included. This session includes the recorded webinar, transcript, and handouts, and a discussion guide that can be used to facilitate conversation about the content during the presentation. These materials can be used to supplement professional development programs aimed at increasing the knowledge of general and special education teachers regarding the special education process.
Restraints and Restraint Reporting

Restraints and Restraint Reporting

00:17:21 minutes
Restraints and Restraint Reporting
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: What Administrators Need to Know

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: What Administrators Need to Know

This training is especially helpful for administrators who oversee students in their schools who qualify for 504 Service Agreements. This training will provide administrators with information on Section 504 including: • History of Section 504 • Definition • Qualifications for a 504 Service Agreement • Components of a 504 Service Agreement • Differences from special education • Current Trends • Litigation
Special Education Plan Training

Special Education Plan Training

00:52:00 minutes
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is responsible for ensuring that all special education programs in schools are appropriate and effective. To do this, school districts must submit a Special Education Plan every three years to PDE as required under 22 PA Code 14.104. This training will provide school districts with necessary information to develop and implement required special education plans.

The Evaluation Report

01:02:04 minutes
This webinar walks participants through sections of the Evaluation Report, with a focus on the Determination of Specific Learning Disability component. The session provides a detailed review of the annotated Evaluation Report.