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Assistive Technology for Youth with Complex Needs

02:05:53 minutes
Assistive Technology (AT) is an essential component of success for transition-age students with complex needs. Students who have the opportunity to experience and use a variety of tools in school for such tasks as communication, organization, navigation, and recall are more likely to transition successfully to adult life. This session will provide participants with a fresh perspective on the role of AT in transition as well as provide guiding questions and suggestions for addressing AT during multiple points throughout IEP development.

AT for Emergent Literacy: Making Comprehensive Literacy Instruction Accessible to All Students

02:56:45 minutes
This session will explore comprehensive emergent literacy instruction and assistive technology options for students with complex instructional needs. Emergent literacy is the foundation upon which conventional literacy skills develop, but the nature of complex disabilities creates barriers to participation in early literacy experiences. Students with significant disabilities stagnate in their literacy growth unless school teams systematically create access to comprehensive instruction. This session will demonstrate how school teams can analyze the nature of a student’s disabilities to create access (both with assistive technology and with changes to their instruction) to participation in shared reading, listening comprehension, alphabet instruction, phonological awareness, word study, and writing for all students.

AT Tools for Complex Computer Access - Hands On Lab

00:56:26 minutes
This "hands-on" lab will be a continuation of the morning workshop titled Configuring and Teaching AT Tools for Complex Computer Access. Knowing how to integrate systems is critical to creating more efficient and independent learning environments for students with complex bodies. The most commonly available powered chairs, with computers and on-screen keyboards, will be available to allow participants to work with the remote programmers, joysticks, and alternative head array access for use with the computer, using "Bluetooth" access, as well as wireless and hard-wired access. The presenters will focus on mouse emulation, directed mouse access, as well as scanning in this session. In this "lab" experience, the presenters will focus on both configuring the equipment and teaching its use.

Configuring and Teaching AT Tools for Complex Computer Needs

02:32:25 minutes
This session will focus on the knowledge and skill needed by assistive technology decision makers supporting students with complex needs, in order to consider, introduce, and teach use of specialized equipment that will allow these students to participate and achieve. The presenters will share what powered systems are currently available and how the programmable electronics and hardware integrate with augmentative systems and computer access, including how we can teach more efficient scanning, mouse emulation, and directed or direct selection with on-screen keyboarding, using case studies.

Everything You Wanted to Know about Switches and More - Part 1

03:00:32 minutes
When supporting young children and students in their learning with the use of assistive technology, it is critical that switch use is understood, available, and readily implemented. Switch use and its applications need to be encouraged by all members of the student’s support team, including teachers, paraprofessionals, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, and all other learning support staff. This workshop will focus on the switches themselves, what is currently available, how they work, how they are used, and how decisions of implementation need to occur, with shared successful strategies of assessment and use. This workshop is truly for those adults who are beginning their journey in AT support, and for all other adults who work with students who need or will need to use switches and assistive technology, especially for augmentative communication, computer access, task participation, and powered mobility. This workshop will contain many examples of real students and their journeys with their use of AT and switch use.

Everything You Wanted to Know about Switches and More - Part 2

02:54:20 minutes
When supporting young children and students in their learning with the use of assistive technology, it is critical that switch use is understood, available, and readily implemented. Switch use and its applications need to be encouraged by all members of the student’s support team, including teachers, paraprofessionals, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, and all other learning support staff. This workshop will focus on the switches themselves, what is currently available, how they work, how they are used, and how decisions of implementation need to occur, with shared successful strategies of assessment and use. This workshop is truly for those adults who are beginning their journey in AT support, and for all other adults who work with students who need or will need to use switches and assistive technology, especially for augmentative communication, computer access, task participation, and powered mobility. This workshop will contain many examples of real students and their journeys with their use of AT and switch use.
Getting Started with Bookshare for Pennsylvania Educators

Getting Started with Bookshare for Pennsylvania Educators

Dive into the world of inclusive education as we explore how Bookshare's extensive collection of accessible eBooks can revolutionize learning for students with reading barriers. Uncover seamless integration tips, harness built-in accessibility features, and create a classroom where every student can excel. Don't miss out—embark on the path to accessible learning now!
Learning Sendero Groups Seeing Eye GPS App

Learning Sendero Groups Seeing Eye GPS App

This webinar is a starting guide intended for Orientation and Mobility Specialists interested in learning the basics of Sendero Group's Seeing Eye GPS App. The following topics are covered: · Benefits of Accessible GPS · Frequently Asked Questions · Downloading, Purchasing, and Upgrading the App · App Basics: Accuracy, Maps, Basic Functions · Getting Started: Screen Layout, Function Buttons · App Functions: Location, LookAround Mode, Points of Interest (POIs), and Routes · Practicing with the App: Learn How to Create Various Routes and Save your own Points of Interest (POIs). · Helpful Tips to get the most out of Seeing Eye GPS

Mac and iOS Accessibility for Students with High-Incidence Disabilities

02:49:15 minutes
This training will provide an overview of built-in accessibility tools, Mac operating system X features, and common productivity tools that can be useful to students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., dyslexia, learning disabilities). The program will also include discussion and demonstration of third-party tools that are available at low or no-cost to serve the same purposes. Participants will also find the information useful for incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approaches to their instruction and supports.