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Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Two: Education 101

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Two: Education 101

00:03:25 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Two of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will discuss the Pennsylvania Department of Education - Bureau of Special Education and their role in a person’s successful transition.
Connection Between Trauma Informed Practices and Classroom Management | PaTTANpod [S4E12]

Connection Between Trauma Informed Practices and Classroom Management | PaTTANpod [S4E12]

00:29:18 minutes
As we consider our classrooms, kindergarten through high school, the management strategies and practices we employ need to be meaningful, evidence-aligned and trauma informed. Listen to Dr. Tim Knoster interconnect classroom management and trauma informed practices benefiting all students.

Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals - Part 1 of 4 - Introduction

00:17:29 minutes
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools. This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals. There are four separate sections to this training package: • Introduction • Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals • Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations • When and How We Use Paraprofessionals You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.

Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals - Part 2 of 4 - Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals

00:25:17 minutes
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools. This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals. There are four separate sections to this training package: • Introduction • Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals • Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations • When and How We Use Paraprofessionals You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.

Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals - Part 3 of 4 - Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations

00:25:56 minutes
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools. This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals. There are four separate sections to this training package: • Introduction • Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals • Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations • When and How We Use Paraprofessionals You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.

Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals - Part 4 of 4 - When and How We Use Paraprofessionals

00:42:27 minutes
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools. This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals. There are four separate sections to this training package: • Introduction • Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals • Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations • When and How We Use Paraprofessionals You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.
Considerations for Building and Sustaining an Equitable MTSS | PaTTANpod [S2E7]

Considerations for Building and Sustaining an Equitable MTSS | PaTTANpod [S2E7]

00:20:22 minutes
Dr. Kent McIntosh talks about implementing and sustaining a Multi-Tiered System of Support through the lens of both academics and behavior.
Considerations For Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: The IEP and 504 Service Agreement

Considerations For Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: The IEP and 504 Service Agreement

This brief video provides general information regarding the differences between IEPs and 504 Service Agreements regarding students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Converting EBAE (English Braille American Edition) to UEB (Unified English Braille) with Duxbury

00:53:15 minutes
The course will explain how to manipulate braille from the old braille code (EBAE) to the new braille code (UEB), while maintaining the integrity of accuracy and format.