CS Spotlights: Integrating Computer Science into Special Education Classes | PaTTANpod [S6E3]

Speaking: Kimberly Boyd, Meaghan Stolnis

This episode is part of a series recorded on location at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology during the 2023 BUILD FLY CODE Live!, a special event for schools involved in a PaTTAN computer science (CS) professional learning program using drone technology. Special education teachers Kimberly Boyd and Meaghan Stolnis reflect on their professional growth in CS education and discuss strategies for engaging students with disabilities in CS learning. Students in Ms. Boyd’s join PaTTANpod in “CS Spotlights: Student Perspectives on Computer Science.” For additional information about engaging students with disabilities in K-12 CS education, visit PaTTANpod episode S5E19:Training and Consultation to Implement Computer Science (Youtube) and the CSinPA toolkits (PaTTAN website). https://youtu.be/XxSp97Bb3mY https://www.pattan.net/Supports/STEM/computer-science