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July 9, 2017

Mediation Guide Spanish

Information to familiarize you with the mediation process and to help you prepare for a mediation session. For copies, please contact the Office for Dispute Resolution at 1-800-222-3353 or 717-901-2145.

Presenter: Suzanne McDougall
February 5, 2014

30. Strength-Based GIEPs

When planning specially designed instruction for identified gifted students, placement options fall into one of the three categories: enrichment, acceleration, or a combination of the two. In order for a student to receive services, there needs to be a demonstrated strength that requires services beyond what the current general education curriculum is providing. During this session, the presenters will highlight Chapter 16 language that supports this premise, as well as discuss how needs based on discrepancies can be met through services outlined elsewhere in the Pennsylvania school code.

Presenter: Shirley Curl and Tanya Morret
November 25, 2013

Progress Monitoring for Writing

Measurement of student growth in writing is critically important because of the strong relationship that exists between learning to write and reading comprehension. This webinar will review the use of a continuum of measures for monitoring student writing progress, samples of IEP goals, and implications for instruction.

Presenter: Jen Lillenstein
November 7, 2013

Effective Practices for Secondary Transition - Webinar Materials

This PowerPoint and related documents will be utilized as part of the Effective Practices for Secondary Transition - Overview for Cohort 1 webinar on November 8 2013.

Presenter: Michael Stoehr/Paula Schmitt
October 29, 2013

Supporting Students with High Functioning Autism in General Education Settings

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by deficits in social communication and social interaction along with restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. This training is geared toward general education teachers and their teams who are supporting students in their school community who are high functioning on the autism spectrum. This session will focus on the social traits of students with ASD. These are students who are challenged by the social complexity of the school environment and may have difficulty with both teacher and peer relationships. During this session participants will discuss the characteristics of autism and how these characteristics impact the learning environment. Strategies and accommodations to support these students in the general education curriculum and school community will be provided. Handouts include: 1. Problem Solving Worksheet 2. Action Plan Organizer 3. Self Monitoring How To Checklist 4. Self Monitoring Personal Checklist 5. Social Skills Training Planner 6. Video Reflection Worksheet 7. Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Criteria 8. High Functioning Autism Powerpoint 9. School Notes Worksheet 10. Team Meeting Log - 1 11. Team Meeting Log - 2

Presenter: PaTTAN Educational Consultants
October 28, 2013

Progress Monitoring for Students with IEPs: An Introduction

This session will review the basics of collecting, graphing, and analyzing student data to determine progress toward measurable annual goals in an IEP. The webinar will address the use of general outcome measures and mastery measurement. Progress monitoring resources will be shared.

Presenter: Karen Grammas and Diane Funsten
April 9, 2013

Addressing Behavior in the IEP

The question of when behavior impedes a student´s learning or the learning of others is a special consideration that IEP teams MUST address before developing the IEP. What do teams needs to know in order to do this? This session will provide information and resources to guide IEP teams in considering when behavior impedes learning and addressing it in the IEP document.

Presenter: Dennis Cullen
March 20, 2013

IEPs for Students with Reading and Writing Disabilities

This webinar will review parts of the IEP with a focus on developing IEPs for students with reading and/or writing disabilities. Particular attention will be paid to the present levels of academic achievement, goals and objectives, supplementary aids and services and program modifications, and educational placement.

Presenter: Karen Grammas and Ernie Melcher
February 14, 2013

Hot Topics in Behavior: De-Escalation: Strategies for Defusing Challenging Behaviors

Supporting appropriate student behavior is a critical skill for today’s educators. Participants of this webinar series will learn a variety of practices that will support students in a 3 Tiered Model of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Consider attending one or more of the following webinar sessions listed below.

Presenter: Kathryn Poggi
February 26, 2013

Session 2: Quality Educational Practices: Students with Higher Functioning Levels of Autism Spectrum Disorder

*Academic Instruction/Group Instruction/Direct Instruction*: This segment of the five-part webinar series will address research-based instructional practices that increase the participation and success of students with autism during group instruction. Teacher-led academic instruction in inclusive classrooms will be featured. The handouts for this part of the series are listed below. *8. Explicit Instruction* – Defines explicit (or direct) instruction, explains why explicit instruction is especially important for students with special needs, identifies examples of explicit instruction in published curricula, and offers guidelines and suggestions for teachers who want to incorporate principles of explicit instruction into their lessons. *9. What Is Direct Instruction?* – Describes the rationale and key elements of the Direct Instruction model, summarizes results of Project Follow Through, and examines four common myths and misconceptions about DI. *10. Good Noise! Using Choral Responding to Increase the Effectiveness of Group Instruction* – Describes how teachers can use choral responding to teach a variety of curriculum content. *11. Everyone Participates in This Classroom: Using Response Cards to Increase Participation and Achievement* – Explains the rationale for response cards and offers guidelines for using pre-printed and write-on response cards to teach a variety of curriculum content. *12. How to Get Your Own Set of Write-On Response Cards* – Explains how to obtain response cards inexpensively. *13. Designing a Lesson that Uses Choral Responding and/or Response Cards* – Outlines steps for developing lessons featuring choral responding and/or response cards as primary modes of active student response. *14. Guided Notes: Helping All Students Succeed in the General Education Classroom* – Describes rationale for guided notes and outlines steps and suggestions for creating and using them. *15. References and Resources – Session 2: Academic and Group Instruction* – This resource provides a list of references to peer-reviewed research and other resources related to this session of the webinar series. *16. References - Session 2: Guided Notes: Helping All Students Succeed* *17. Session 2 Powerpoint*

Presenter: William Heward