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23. UDL: Removing Barriers to Productive Struggle ( K – 12) | Math Conference 2023

23. UDL: Removing Barriers to Productive Struggle ( K – 12) | Math Conference 2023

01:00:54 minutes
Participants will learn how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) recognizes learner variability and removes barriers to student engagement and deepens mathematics understanding. Through the UDL design process, educators can optimize lessons to support student persistence, agency, and productive struggle. (Grades K - 12)
Algebra Instruction Using AEC

Algebra Instruction Using AEC

This video provides a sample of algebra instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities using manipulatives and pre-taught knowledge of integers.
Coaching for Inclusion | PaTTANpod [S5E1]

Coaching for Inclusion | PaTTANpod [S5E1]

00:19:45 minutes
The understanding and practice of inclusive classrooms and schools has been a foundation within Pennsylvania. Simply stated, inclusive education means that all students are accepted and have a true sense of belonging within the school community. The conversation will focus on inclusive practices and what they may look like in a school setting with Mike Bovino, Senior Advisor for Special Olympics, Pennsylvania. Mike Bovino has been a Senior Advisor for Special Olympics PA since July of 2014, focusing on strategic initiatives, organizational development, school partnerships, and fundraising. He collaborates with a dedicated staff who currently support more than 270 schools throughout the state with fully inclusive Unified Champion Schools programming. This program utilizes Unified Sports, inclusive youth leadership, and whole school engagement activities to empower students, promote inclusion, and improve overall school climate. Mike has worked in the Special Olympics movement for more than 30 years, starting in the international headquarters as the first Director of Sports Marketing. Over the years, he has helped to develop new sports and inclusion programming, built enriching Unified Champion Schools partnerships with over 425 schools in two states + the District of Columbia, and focused on organizational development, strategic planning, and numerous fundraising initiatives. He has been a global and national leader in Special Olympics Unified Sports since its inception in 1989, and is one of only five people ever to be honored as a Global Unified Sports Leadership Award recipient. Unified Sports brings together individuals with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team for training and competition as equal peers and is highly successful in fostering social inclusion. In addition to Special Olympics, Mike has worked with other nonprofits over the years as a consultant, and also served as Vice President for the United States Basketball League. He earned his B.A. from the University of Michigan.
Framework for Access and Belonging with Supplementary Aids & Services: An Overview for School Staff

Framework for Access and Belonging with Supplementary Aids & Services: An Overview for School Staff

00:40:20 minutes
In March of 2023, The Framework for Access and Belonging (FAB) replaced the Supplementary Aids and Services (SAS) Toolkit. This recorded webinar provides an overview of FAB and outlines the similarities and differences between the new process and the former toolkit. It also explains how to initiate the FAB process and provides insight to the three stages of this facilitated process. The target audience for this overview is school leaders and school staff.
Framework for Access and Belonging with Supplementary Aids and Services: An Overview for Families

Framework for Access and Belonging with Supplementary Aids and Services: An Overview for Families

00:52:52 minutes
In March of 2023, The Framework for Access and Belonging (FAB) replaced the Supplementary Aids and Services (SAS) Toolkit. This recorded webinar provides an overview of FAB and outlines the similarities and differences between the new process and the former toolkit. It also explains how to initiate the FAB process and provides insight to the three stages of this facilitated process. The target audience for this overview is parents, families, and parent organizations.
Interconnectivity Between General and Special Education | PaTTANpod [S2E5]

Interconnectivity Between General and Special Education | PaTTANpod [S2E5]

: Guest Dr. Johanna Fitzgerald shares why special education is not a place rather a continuum of services matched to student needs.

Starting Points and Possibilities in Developing Natural Peer Support Programs - Important Elements

00:23:53 minutes
The purpose of this video series is to provide school leaders, teachers, paraprofessionals, families and students information around Natural Peer Supports with the expertise of Dr. Erik Carter. These five video sessions will provide the essential information needed to develop the structures that promote inclusion, learning, and relationships between students with and without disabilities with special focus on students with complex instructional needs. Dr. Carter will describe the evidence base and the necessary components for developing an effective peer support program. These sessions are supported with video documentary of actual peer support programs occurring within Pennsylvania. Each session will guide schools in identifying crucial elements to launch new or continue current efforts in implementing natural peer support programs. This session focuses on addressing helpful starting points and important landmarks for schools committed to encouraging relationships and shared learning among students with and without disabilities.

Starting Points and Possibilities in Developing Natural Peer Support Programs - Peer Support Arrangements in Inclusive Classrooms (Part 1)

00:23:20 minutes
The purpose of this video series is to provide school leaders, teachers, paraprofessionals, families and students information around Natural Peer Supports with the expertise of Dr. Erik Carter. These five video sessions will provide the essential information needed to develop the structures that promote inclusion, learning, and relationships between students with and without disabilities with special focus on students with complex instructional needs. Dr. Carter will describe the evidence base and the necessary components for developing an effective peer support program. These sessions are supported with video documentary of actual peer support programs occurring within Pennsylvania. Each session will guide schools in identifying crucial elements to launch new or continue current efforts in implementing natural peer support programs. This session along with session five focuses on peer support arrangements that lead to academic and social participation in inclusive classrooms.

Starting Points and Possibilities in Developing Natural Peer Support Programs - Peer Support Arrangements in Inclusive Classrooms (Part 2)

00:16:19 minutes
The purpose of this video series is to provide school leaders, teachers, paraprofessionals, families and students information around Natural Peer Supports with the expertise of Dr. Erik Carter. These five video sessions will provide the essential information needed to develop the structures that promote inclusion, learning, and relationships between students with and without disabilities with special focus on students with complex instructional needs. Dr. Carter will describe the evidence base and the necessary components for developing an effective peer support program. These sessions are supported with video documentary of actual peer support programs occurring within Pennsylvania. Each session will guide schools in identifying crucial elements to launch new or continue current efforts in implementing natural peer support programs. This session along with session four focuses on peer support arrangements that lead to academic and social participation in inclusive classrooms.

Starting Points and Possibilities in Developing Natural Peer Support Programs - Rigor, Relevance and Relationships

00:19:25 minutes
The purpose of this video series is to provide school leaders, teachers, paraprofessionals, families and students information around Natural Peer Supports with the expertise of Dr. Erik Carter. These five video sessions will provide the essential information needed to develop the structures that promote inclusion, learning, and relationships between students with and without disabilities with special focus on students with complex instructional needs. Dr. Carter will describe the evidence base and the necessary components for developing an effective peer support program. These sessions are supported with video documentary of actual peer support programs occurring within Pennsylvania. Each session will guide schools in identifying crucial elements to launch new or continue current efforts in implementing natural peer support programs. In this session Dr. Carter focuses on the importance of fostering relationships along with rigorous, relevant learning opportunities for students with complex instructional needs.