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The Writing Toolkit for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Genre and Discipline Specific Writing

01:58:59 minutes
In this session, participants continue to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to improve writing instruction for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Phases of genre-specific writing instruction, such as learning about genre, evaluating genre, and writing genre, will be discussed. Because students who are knowledgeable about text structure, recall and write text better than others who aren’t, this session will highlight the importance of making text structure for the genres of narrative, informational/explanatory, and opinion/argumentative writing visually explicit.

The Writing Toolkit for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Micro-level Writing

02:01:00 minutes
This webinar continues the examination of writing instruction for students who are deaf or hard of hearing by examining the micro-structures of writing. Components of micro-level writing, including handwriting, spelling, vocabulary, and sentence structure will be discussed with emphasis on instructional strategies for linking micro-level and macro-level structures through the use of “writing warm-ups.” Sentence stems and organizational frames will also be presented as instructional scaffolds to help bridge micro- and macro-level writing.

The Writing Toolkit for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: The Writing Process

01:58:30 minutes
In this session, participants will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to improve writing instruction for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Topics include how to prepare students for writing, explicitly teach the writing process, and motivate students to write. As part of this workshop, participants will discuss the importance of defining the phases of the writing process. Materials selection and the use of graphic organizers and writers’ notebooks will also be addressed.