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14. The Arc of Vocabulary: Oral Language Links to Comprehension for ... | 2022 Literacy Symposium

14. The Arc of Vocabulary: Oral Language Links to Comprehension for ... | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:58:42 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 14. The Arc of Vocabulary: Oral Language Links to Comprehension for the Classroom Teachers Children often come to school with too little language to support comprehension of what they read. For these children their classroom is the primary place in which they will be given the time and opportunity to develop their speaking and listening skills. Teachers who have a deep and intentional understanding and focus on oral language as a significant contributor to reading comprehension can change outcomes for students. In this workshop, we will examine the arc of language development and its impact on reading comprehension. We will start by grounding ourselves in a research base for understanding the contribution language makes to reading comprehension. We will then learn about instructional approaches that address the need for us to enhance oral language for our students. We cannot simply tell children to talk more. We need to create a climate that nurtures oral expression and supports the development of speaking and active listening for students. We will learn and practice highly engaging activities that can make a difference for reading comprehension through planning intentional and meaningful opportunities for speaking and listening throughout the school day. Mother Teresa said, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are endless.” We will create a rainbow of language instruction, which will echo in a student’s reading comprehension for the rest of his life.
15. Introduction to See the Sound - Visual Phonics© | 2022 Literacy Symposium

15. Introduction to See the Sound - Visual Phonics© | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:09:02 minutes
Access all of the sessions at See the Sound - Visual Phonics© is a multi-sensory approach to teaching reading, language, and writing skills. It is a system which associates each sound in our language with a hand gesture graphic symbol. See the Sound - Visual Phonics© links speech sounds to our other senses in a natural progression. The mouth movements for each phoneme are then mirrored in a hand gesture. The gesture in turn is reflected in a written symbol. This session will provide an overview of the strategy and validating research. a sample of the gestures and written symbols will be shared. Upon completion, participants will not be qualified to implement the strategy in instruction.
16. Spelling: Visible Language to Inform Instruction and Intervention | 2022 Literacy Symposium

16. Spelling: Visible Language to Inform Instruction and Intervention | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:01:19 minutes
Access all of the sessions at This session highlights the importance of spelling to literacy development and how it can be analyzed to inform instruction and intervention. The integration of phonology, orthography, and morphology will be used to analyze student spelling inventory results. Participants will analyze classroom and individual student spelling to determine the types of errors students made and engage with a tool that school teams can use to drive analysis and target instruction and intervention. Classroom and individual analysis of spelling inventory results will guide participants in drawing conclusions for core and individual instruction to accelerate learning. (k-5)
17. Coaching Components For The Post-COVID Era | 2022 Literacy Symposium

17. Coaching Components For The Post-COVID Era | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:56:49 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 17. Coaching Components For The Post-COVID Era: Face 2 Face; Flipped or Mixed! In this session, IU consultants will explain the idea of using coaching models including face-to-face, “flipped”, and a hybrid approach to coaching a roll-out and scale-up of ECRI routines and other evidence-based practices. Participants will walk through the benefits, challenges, and problem-solving strategies of coaching district leaders and teachers along their ECRI journey by using a PLC format.
18. Secondary Reading - Implementing High-Leverage Practices | 2022 Literacy Symposium

18. Secondary Reading - Implementing High-Leverage Practices | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:14:03 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Can we improve the reading of students in secondary schools? Absolutely! Begin by bringing this adage to life: “Every day, in every class, we read, we write, we speak. Every day, in every class, we read, we write, we speak.” Next, focus on evidence-based, high-leverage practices: 1) actively teaching vocabulary in all classes, 2) having students respond deeply to text, 3) challenging students to compare and contrast items, and 4) having students read orally (e.g., partner reading, team reading, choral reading, cloze reading) to increase fluency (e.g., accuracy, rate, expression).
19. Facilitator Training - Parent Workshop on Early Reading Skills | 2022 Literacy Symposium

19. Facilitator Training - Parent Workshop on Early Reading Skills | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:02:19 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Read by 4th, the Philadelphia partner of the national Grade Level Reading network, is committed to strengthening literacy instruction in Philadelphia schools….and homes. The research is clear that a good connection between classroom and home is what really helps children learn to read. So Rb4 partners, led by Drexel University and AIM Institute for Learning and Research, developed an interactive workshop for parents of K-3 students, on Early Reading Skills – Phonological Awareness, Phonics and Fluency. Attendees will learn about all aspects of this interactive workshop, and explore how to deliver it in their communities, including how to access the PPT and videos, all activities to be used during the workshop, as well as materials for parents to take home.

2016 Dyslexia Awareness Day: A Parent Shares Her Story

00:07:21 minutes
Listen to Ashley’s heartfelt story about her first-born child and their journey as she struggled to learn how to read. Reflect on Dr. Sally Shaywitz’s words as she spoke with Ashley about meeting the needs of students with dyslexia. Be inspired by the resiliency in our children.
21. Enhancing Your Core Reading Program Instruction (K-2) | 2022 Literacy Symposium

21. Enhancing Your Core Reading Program Instruction (K-2) | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:07:31 minutes
Access all of the sessions at The purpose of this session is to describe how to use instructional routines to enhance the delivery of your core reading instruction in a multi-tiered system of Tier 1 and Tier 2 support. Systematic strategies and teaching routines designed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of reading instruction in kindergarten, first, and second grade will be described and will be directly relevant to practitioners implementing multi-tiered systems and response to intervention models.
22. Making Connections: Communication and Literacy with AAC Users | 2022 Literacy Symposium

22. Making Connections: Communication and Literacy with AAC Users | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:58:33 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Learning to read can be challenging, particularly for many students who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Yet, reading and writing are connected to the symbolic representation, vocabulary, and strategies that comprise their AAC systems. Integrating comprehensive literacy instruction amid teaching students to use AAC not only builds literacy skills but also facilitates the development of language, fosters communication, and promotes social interaction. This session is designed to help participants make connections between literacy, language, and the use of AAC.
24. Weighing the Hog Doesn't Make it Fatter | 2022 Literacy Symposium

24. Weighing the Hog Doesn't Make it Fatter | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:59:19 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 24. Weighing the Hog Doesn't Make it Fatter: Linking Assessment to Instruction in a MTSS Model Are you collecting data you never use? Do you have questions about your students that you can't answer? Has assessment become a compliance activity? Perhaps you have lost sight of WHY you are assessing reading skills. This session will help elementary teachers, coaches and administrators identify the essential questions about reading performance, and select the most efficient ways to answer them. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), the framework for implementing the science of reading, requires a coordinated system of assessment for four main purposes; • screening • diagnostic • progress monitoring • outcome evaluation Assessments should be used for the purpose for which they were designed. Each assessment purpose is linked to specific instructional decisions in the MTSS model, such as supplementing core reading instruction, forming small groups, and intensifying intervention. Participants will gain knowledge of how the four purposes of assessment link to instruction within MTSS for the benefit of all students.