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August 8, 2017

D5. Planning For Your Future–On Your Smartphone (The Pennsylvania Checklist App!) & 21 and Able Updates

With so many different meetings at school and in the community, it’s critical that youth, family members, teachers, and community supports are talking about what is most important to the young person’s future, and how to achieve his/her goals. This presentation will focus on the Pennsylvania Planning for the Future App developed by 21 and Able at United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation with students, parents, teachers, and advocacy and agency professionals across Pennsylvania. In addition, 21 and Able will share their latest regional and statewide efforts and engage in an open discussion with the audience.

Presenter: Multiple Presenters
August 8, 2017

D7. Partnerships to Promote Smooth Transitions to Adulthood

The goal of this session is to share one team’s experiences in bringing agencies together to best support individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities as they transition from school-based to adult services. The team will explain their pathway of forming partnerships, collaborating and creating a successful best practice program for individuals with disabilities.

Presenter: Kelly Caroll, Janer Cordero, Taryn Fogarty
August 8, 2017

D8. A Teen and Young Adult’s Guide to Medical Transition

Physicians from the Divisions of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine and Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh will review the process and need for self-advocacy of youth with special healthcare needs in the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare systems. The physicians will discuss how to approach important but sensitive topics that are unique to adolescents and young adults in the healthcare world, particularly mental health needs and sexual-reproductive health. This session will also involve an interaction with our Children’s Hospital Advisory Network for Guidance and Empowerment (CHANGE) advisers, who are youth ages 14-26 that have received care at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh for various medical needs. During this part of the session, youth can engage with the advisers of CHANGE and review a booklet titled "Guide to Medical Transition" which is a tool designed to help youth advocate for their needs as they navigate the healthcare system transition from pediatric to adult medical providers.

Presenter: Unoma Akamagwuna, Jessica MacCormac, Susan Saule
August 9, 2017

E3. Our Network of Supports and Pathways to Success: Sharing Our Journeys!

Psychological Services Associates from the Hiram G. Andrews Center will present a variety of behavioral, communication, sensory, and social strategies related to the autism spectrum compiled through our work with young adults. The presentation will emphasize approaches that have been found most beneficial in empowering young adults with skills for their paths ahead.

Presenter: Kelly Dumm, Cherylann Falsone, Kimberly Seigh
August 9, 2017

E4. Assistive Technology for Transitioning Students

This session will discuss some issues transitioning students face when going to higher education and technologies that can assist in their success. The Access Planning & Strategies (APS) Academy, held at the Hiram G. Andrews Center, will also be introduced.

Presenter: Kate Kohn, Roger Little
August 9, 2017

E5. A Multifaceted Approach to Transition for Students with Complex Needs

Students from HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy require a variety of supports to allow them to be as independent and engaged in their environment as possible. In this engaging session, information will be provided regarding the school’s multidisciplinary transition curriculum and the varied approaches utilized to ensure successful post-secondary outcomes of education/training, employment, and independent living.

Presenter: Christina Coia, Cheryl Leask
August 9, 2017

F1. Building My Social Capital to Achieve My Goals with RENEW

Rehabilitation for Empowerment, Natural Supports, Education, and Work (RENEW) is a structured school-to-career transition planning and individualized wraparound process for youth with emotional and behavioral challenges. This session will review the principles and goals of RENEW and also highlight student voice. Youth and school staff that have participated in RENEW will share their experiences and insight. The RENEW process will be described and data shown to support the implementation of this evidence based practice.

Presenter: Lance Hank, Mike Minor
August 9, 2017

F2. Special Needs & Estate Planning: What Every Caregiver Needs to Know

This session provides an overview of financial & estate planning for families that have dependents with disabilities. The presenter will address critical areas of concern, such as navigating and maximizing government benefits through an overview of programs such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Waivers & Social Security. The session will also address important estate planning considerations such as Wills, Special Needs Trusts, and the differences between Guardianship and Powers of Attorney. Participants will learn how special needs financial planning is different than traditional financial planning. Strategies will be presented to address funding of special needs trusts, tax planning considerations, and ensuring quality of life and lifetime care are maintained for loved ones.

Presenter: Patrick Bergmaier
August 9, 2017

F4. Begin Your Journey to Success Now; Hiram G. Andrews Center's Pre-Employment Transition Programs

Staff from the Hiram G. Andrews Center and Commonwealth Technical Institute will highlight programming initiatives now available at the Center to students currently enrolled in high school. These pre-employment transition services give students an opportunity for enhanced self-advocacy and work readiness, whereby increasing the likelihood of successful transition.

Presenter: Stacie Andrews, Karen Bilchak
August 9, 2017

F5. Implementing an Accessible Online Career Transition Planning Program for Teens and Young Adults

This session will demonstrate how to create and implement a highly accessible online career planning portfolio to support transition age students to improve their academic and functional achievement as they prepare for post-secondary employment.

Presenter: Lisa Krystofolski, David Mosey