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May 15, 2017

29. Embedding Social Skills into the Early Intervention Environment

Are you looking for creative ways to reach students with challenging behavior? Come explore how our special education teachers are creating nurturing and safe environments for our students with disabilities. We will share specific strategies (i.e., establish and state clear behavior expectations, model and explain cool-down strategies) linked to the Pennsylvania state standards on managing emotions and behaviors.

Presenter: Easter Seals of Southeastern Pennsylvania
May 15, 2017

30. Going from “I Can’t” to “I Can”: A Problem-Solving Framework for Implementing PBIS

Facing difficulties using PBIS at your early childhood center? Who isn’t?! Teams attending this session will create an action plan to overcome a current struggle they have carrying out PBIS. Having a method to think through a challenge can help teams move from being stuck in a rut to implementing with fidelity.

Presenter: Sunbeam Station Child Care Center
May 15, 2017

32. Implementing Evidence-Based Practices to Increase Graduation Rates in Pennsylvania

Participants will study the phases for identifying students with disabilities who are off-track for graduation. The five phases include: 1) establishing a team and Early Warning System, 2) analyzing attendance, behavior, and course performance data, 3) identifying appropriate interventions, 4) developing an action plan, and 5) implementing an evaluation plan.

Presenter: PaTTAN Educational Consultants
May 15, 2017

40. Developing Capacity for Reflection: A Collaborative Approach

In this session, participants will learn about reflection and communication techniques--in individual and small group settings--to help delve deeper into school-wide positive behavior support data and systems. Participants will learn ways to foster these reflection strategies in their own SWPBS teams.

Presenter: Saucon Valley School District
May 16, 2017

45. PBIS & GRIT: A Powerful Duo

If you have PBIS and Character Education in place and are looking for something to give your students that extra push, then try adding some GRIT! GRIT can be used to teach students to “go the extra mile”, persevere, show determination, and put forth their best effort. Presenters will discuss their new PBIS/Character Education initiative, as well as, discuss universal supports.

Presenter: Penn Delco School District
May 16, 2017

46. Interconnected System Framework with Community and Enhanced Tier II/III Supports

Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21, in collaboration with Lehigh County Systems of Care (SoC), is one of three schools entities in Pennsylvania that is the recipient of the Safe School Healthy Student Grant. The team will provide information on the systematic process used for developing collaborative partnerships between schools implementing PBIS and County Systems of Care (SOC). An Interconnected Systems Framework in collaboration with community partners provides the mental health supports for high risk students to prevent bullying, decrease violent behavior and substance abuse through scale up of multi-tiered SWPBIS.

Presenter: Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21
May 16, 2017

47. Using Data for Tier 1 Decisions in a TIPS-II Framework

The Team-Initiated Problem Solving Model II (TIPS II) will be shared with participants as a process used during school-based problem solving team meetings in order to identify, address, and resolve student social and academic behavior problems through specific interactions with data and data systems. This session will focus on an elementary school’s method of guiding conversations around whole school data in Tier 1 meetings using TIPS-II.

Presenter: Central Dauphin School District
May 16, 2017

50. Parent Involvement is an Integral Part of Program-Wide Success

What role do parents play in your PBIS program? Is your parent communication regarding PBIS effective? Do your parents buy into the PBIS program? Join us in sharing ways to partner with parents through your PBIS program and to build a two way communication system that increases the program's effectiveness.

Presenter: Penn State University, Bennett Family Center
May 16, 2017

53. Congratulations on High-Fidelity Tier 1 Implementation! Now What?

Implementing SWPBIS is more than just primary prevention strategies. Consideration of advanced tiers of support are necessary once schools implement Tier 1 with fidelity. Use of screening data, other data, and a research-supported protocol will facilitate the efficient identification of advanced tier supports based on the needs of all students.

Presenter: Timothy Runge, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
May 16, 2017

55. Kicking-Off Positively

Participants will learn the processes and procedures used for the initial implementation of PBIS. Specific examples shared will include creation of a matrix, hallway and voice level procedural lesson plans, reinforcement materials, how to create a kick-off video, and Tiger Club rewards program.

Presenter: Young Scholars of Western Pennsylvania Charter School