April 23, 2019
Teach Them How To Meet School Expectations!
Integrating SEL with Matrix Expectations Many times we set expectations for students without providing research-based training for the social emotional skills needed to meet these expectations. Learning skills such as empathy, emotion management, and social problem solving are essential for being able to manage the daily expectations we set for our students. This presentation provides tools for integrating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills for all students (Tier 1) aligned with the school-wide expectations. The promotion of developing a safe and supportive learning environment with research-based practices and tools for managing classroom behaviors will also be discussed and shared. Utilize Second Step, MindYeti, and Class Dojo to manage comprehensive programming across tiered levels of support.
Title of Training: 2019 PA PBS Implementers' Forum
Presenter: Collegium Charter School
Training Date: 05/15/2019