Leadership Development: Fostering Fearless and Resilient Teams

PaTTAN - Online Course

Session Dates

Tuesday October 01, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Tuesday December 31, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course

Every organization encounters change and adversity. Employee needs evolve, stakeholder attitudes shift, and the climates that Early Intervention programs operate within, change. Is your team prepared? Now, more than ever, successful teams demonstrate courage and resilience. In this course, you’ll learn what resilience is, and strategies for developing resilient traits and habits in your team. You’ll explore how building psychological safety and creating a culture of continuous improvement encourages innovation and responsible risk-taking, in addition to examining how the role of positive work relationships and self-care impact resilience.


Participants will be able to:

  • Define workplace resiliency and how it is connected to Early Intervention and Home Visiting work.
  • Describe how to build psychological safety.
  • Identify strategies to foster positive relationships and self-care in professionals in Early Intervention and Home Visiting programs.
  • Apply ways to develop a culture of resilience within Early Intervention and Home Visiting professionals.

Target Audience

Early Intervention Infant/Toddler professionals, Early Intervention Preschool professionals, and Home Visiting Programs/Family Center professional

Topics Covered: Early Intervention

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Molly Martz, at 717-901-2151, or mmartz@pattan.net.

Event Info

Event Type:

On-line Courses

Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
Infant/Toddler Staff Training Hours
No credit


EITA Consultant

Event Contact:


Molly Martz

Content Contact:

Jennifer Furness