ECO 201: Effective Strategies to Ensure High Quality Data
PaTTAN - Online Course
Session Dates
Tuesday October 01, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Tuesday December 31, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course
The training will focus on effective strategies to ensure the highest quality and greatest reliability of ECO data. Topics covered will include strategies to increase the effectiveness of measuring child performance on an authentic assessment tool, involving families in collecting ECO data, strategies for gathering functional child performance, and using the decision tree to make reliable ECO ratings. Participants will have an opportunity to use case studies to enhance their skills in collecting ECO data.
Participants will be able to:
- Explain ECO data collection to families and support each family to determine their level of involvement in the ECO process
- Implement effective strategies to gather evidence for your authentic assessment
- Ensure accurate ratings on an authentic assessment tool
- Utilize an instrument crosswalk tool to organize authentic assessment tool data to correspond with the three child outcome indicators; and
- Employ the use of a Decision Tree to systematically ensure accurate ECO ratings
Target Audience
Early Intervention staff and agency providers who collect child outcome data.
Individuals attending this course must arrive on time and stay the duration of the course in order to receive Act 48 Professional Education hours. Requests for exceptions are to be brought to the attention of the individual´s Superintendent or IU Director prior to the course.
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this training. Contact: Linda Rhine, at 800-360-7282, or " Rhine email)"