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Teaching Procedures for Tacts of Parts and Features

00:11:26 minutes
Errorless procedures for teaching tacts of parts and features are described and demonstrated. The video includes description of procedures to insure that the tact of parts and features is under the correct discriminative control. The process suggests early steps in developing conditional verbal discriminations through training responses related to tact of the object versus tacts of the specific parts and features. Also discussed are programmatic considerations related to building flexible tact repertoires in which shared parts and features can be tacted across various exemplars.
Teaching Reading is Rocket Science | PaTTANpod [S1E5]

Teaching Reading is Rocket Science | PaTTANpod [S1E5]

Dr. Louisa Moats discusses the complexities of reading and how the IDA Knowledge and Practice Standards should be used to help build professional capacity.

Teaching Strategies

00:03:24 minutes
Classroom setting, instructional strategies, and accommodations are introduced in this video as important ways to provide access to the child who is deaf or hard of hearing. Please view the companion video “Successful Inclusion: The Need for Professional Support” which highlights the important role of teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing in supporting students with a hearing loss.

Teaching the Generalization of Tacts of Parts and Features

00:01:31 minutes
A brief review of strategies that will assist students in transferring skills acquired in direct teaching protocols to day to day situations in which tacts of parts and features may be useful.
Technology, creativity & empathy | PaTTANpod [S6E8]

Technology, creativity & empathy | PaTTANpod [S6E8]

00:30:18 minutes
Nicole Jackson joins PaTTANpod at the 2023 CSforAllPA Summit to discuss her nontraditional professional journey in computer science (CS) and STEM, the relationship between technology and creativity, applications of cognitive science in technology leadership, and the role of empathy in efforts to close equity gaps in education.
The ABC of Increasing Graduation Rates | PaTTANpod [S1E3]

The ABC of Increasing Graduation Rates | PaTTANpod [S1E3]

PaTTAN consultants Dr. Laura Moran, Diane Funsten, and Mike Minor talk about the indicators for graduation and how to best support students, kindergarten through high school, in reaching this milestone.

The Adaptive Leader's Tool Box

00:56:42 minutes
You've decided to work on an issue by bringing people together. Congratulations! You are on your way to better outcome through relationships. Making the decision is not enough. The people you want and need to work with may be reluctant to engage. They continuously take in messages about your sincerity and how you view them as partners. In this session, we will explore three stakeholder developed tools to help you focus on the human side of practice change.

The Basics of Morphology

00:34:33 minutes
This first presentation describes the basic elements of morphology for the beginning teacher or student. Key terminology associated with morphology are introduced, described and defined. Multiple opportunities are provided to practice the basic elements of morphology being discussed. Resources are provided throughout the webinar to further understanding of basic morphology. Additionally, a short mini-lesson is shown in how to prepare and administer a morphological instructional session.
The Benefits of Career and Technical Education for Students with Disabilities | PaTTANpod [S5E4]

The Benefits of Career and Technical Education for Students with Disabilities | PaTTANpod [S5E4]

00:14:13 minutes
There is not a one-size fits all postsecondary path for every students, so it is critical for them to be prepared for success on whatever path they take after graduating. Career and Technical Education in Pennsylvania offers students the opportunity to develop critical skills through a combination of classes and hands-on learning experiences, which allow them to apply academics to real-world problems. Joining PaTTANpod is the Director of the Bureau of Special Education, Carole Clancy and Lee Burket, Director of Career and Technical Education at the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

The Blind Advantage How Going Blind Made Me a Stronger Principal and How Including Children with Disabilities Made Our School Better for Everyone

01:06:40 minutes
Dr. William Henderson transformed a Boston public school. In his book, The Blind Advantage, Dr. Henderson describes how losing his sight helped him think about learning and teaching in a new way. In his 30s, fit, and a father of three, he was going blind due to a degenerative disease. His doctor told him to stop teaching, as he would qualify for disability coverage. Instead, Henderson pursued a doctorate in education. He learned how to read Braille and use a cane. In knowing that a disability wouldn’t stop him, Henderson understood that all kids with disabilities could thrive in a rigorous academic setting. He went on to use his leadership skills and insight to transform the Patrick O’Hearn Elementary School in Dorchester, now known as the Henderson School.