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Results 801-810 of 849

The Other 3-Tier Model for Reading, Writing, Oral Language, and Math

01:40:54 minutes
The focus of this presentation will be on interdisciplinary collaboration for services in inclusive settings to provide FAPE for all students. Dr. Berninger will present evidence based, instructionally relevant approaches to diagnosing and treating dysgraphia, dyslexia, OWL LD, and dyscalculia. A brief overview of genetics and brain research for these biologically based invisible disabilities that respond to specially designed instruction will be presented.

The Reevaluation Report

01:00:14 minutes
This webinar walks participants through the Reevaluation Report, with a focus on the Determination of Specific Learning Disability component. The session provides a detailed review of the annotated Reevaluation Report.
The Role of Intermediate Units in Pennsylvania | PaTTANpod [S1E25]

The Role of Intermediate Units in Pennsylvania | PaTTANpod [S1E25]

Former Director and current Director and Assistant Director of the Bureau of Special Education share the history and role of Intermediate Units as it relates to special education.

The Role of the Adapted Physical Educator - Part 1

00:59:53 minutes
This session will examine the need to address challenges that students with disabilities may experience in physical education. The session leaders will provide background on the underlying reasons why students might have motor delays affecting access to the physical education curriculum and how to address the needs identified by the IEP team. In addition, the collaborative relationship between education staff, adapted physical education, and occupational and physical therapy will be emphasized to help students maximize function, mobility, and self-confidence. The training will also include practical strategies for the classroom, playground, and physical education environments to adapt activities, incorporate therapeutic strategies, develop strength and coordination, and generalize skills, and will examine successful strategies to provide instructional supports.

The Role of the Adapted Physical Educator - Part 2

01:23:59 minutes
This session will examine the need to address challenges that students with disabilities may experience in physical education. The session leaders will provide background on the underlying reasons why students might have motor delays affecting access to the physical education curriculum and how to address the needs identified by the IEP team. In addition, the collaborative relationship between education staff, adapted physical education, and occupational and physical therapy will be emphasized to help students maximize function, mobility, and self-confidence. The training will also include practical strategies for the classroom, playground, and physical education environments to adapt activities, incorporate therapeutic strategies, develop strength and coordination, and generalize skills, and will examine successful strategies to provide instructional supports.
The Role of the School Psychologist in Secondary Transition Planning

The Role of the School Psychologist in Secondary Transition Planning

01:54:14 minutes
Learn how school psychologists can effectively serve as partners in the secondary transition process to support students with disabilities.
The Science of Implementation | PaTTANpod [S1E11]

The Science of Implementation | PaTTANpod [S1E11]

Dean Fixsen will review the most important tenants of effective implementation as well as critical resources and tools.
The Science of Math | PaTTANpod [S4E17]

The Science of Math | PaTTANpod [S4E17]

00:17:13 minutes
Hear from The Science of Math movement - what is it, why it is needed, and how to ensure you are implementing evidence-based practices in your classroom instruction. Website: Twitter: @4ScienceofMath Facebook:
The Use of Assistive Technology

The Use of Assistive Technology

How can you discuss with an employer how equipment might be used, how it will be paid for, and who might be of assistance in making this work? Join us to hear about communication with potential employers about the successful use of Assistive Technology while on the job. More and more job seekers are using Assistive Technology to be as integrated, communicative, and productive as possible in the workplace. Assistive Technology can tool-up the workforce and assist each employee to have the equipment they need to succeed. People with speech or communication difficulties can use voice generating devices. People who need more support with organizing and prioritizing their work can use handheld devices and apps. People who can’t read get information through pictures or recorded information. These and more scenarios will be presented and discussed. With technology, businesses can be accessible to all sorts of employees and customers alike. It can leverage the talents of many types of workers and create a welcoming and inviting customer experience.