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Results 121-130 of 847
30. The Value of Visual Strategies to Support Young Learners | PBIS 2023

30. The Value of Visual Strategies to Support Young Learners | PBIS 2023

00:57:21 minutes
This session will focus on the benefits of embedding visual strategies for young learners in the learning environment. The strategies will be taught in an interactive format. The session will include evidence-based visual strategies that will assist learners with communication and participation throughout the daily routines in the learning environment.
30. Transitioning from Word Walls to Sound Walls | 2022 Literacy Symposium

30. Transitioning from Word Walls to Sound Walls | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:01:09 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 30. Transitioning from Word Walls to Sound Walls: Why We Should and How To Do It The presenters will discuss descriptive research that Dr. Miles has conducted which demonstrates some of the issues with word walls. Dr. Dahlgren will then discuss how sound walls and accompanying instructional methods should be used to articulate and distinguish between sounds and to strengthen sound-to-letter correspondences. The presenters will also share data on three action research projects that demonstrate the effective use of sound walls. Katharine Pace Miles, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in Early Childhood Education at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Dr. Miles’s research interests include orthographic facilitation and mapping, high frequency word learning, literacy assessment of students with special needs, and literacy instruction for young children that is both developmentally appropriate and grounded in the science of reading. She works closely with New York City’s Department of Education to support literacy initiatives that impact the city’s most marginalized students. In addition, Dr. Miles supports the alignment of early literacy programs with the field of reading science in an effort to close the research to practice divide.

30. Universal Screening of Behavior

01:07:43 minutes
Universal screening for behavior is an essential component of a three-tiered model of prevention and intervention. Abington School District will discuss the use of two universal screening tools, the Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS) and the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS), in three elementary buildings. Jersey Shore Area School District will discuss its use of the SRSS universal screening tool and the integration of the SRSS data with other behavioral data (SWIS) and academic data from the RtII framework.

31. Equitable Disciplinary Practices: How to Inform Culturally Sustaining PBIS

00:59:07 minutes
Currently engaging in year three, eight collaborating local education agencies are developing materials to encourage culturally sustaining disciplinary practices. Time will be spent sharing outcomes as well as critical issues such as bias, racial anxiety, and stereotype threat and interventions that increase proportionate disciplinary practices.
31. Grab & Go Tier 1 Resources for PBIS Coaches/Leaders on Classroom Practices for ... | PBIS 2023

31. Grab & Go Tier 1 Resources for PBIS Coaches/Leaders on Classroom Practices for ... | PBIS 2023

00:44:14 minutes
31. Grab & Go Tier 1 Resources for PBIS Coaches/Leaders on Classroom Practices for Teachers The McDowell Institute has developed a series of free Grab & Go Tier 1 Resources on universal preventive trauma-informed practices. These resources emphasize self-reflective tools that highlight discrete instructional practices that are within the direct influence of classroom teachers. While these resources can be used independently by teachers, they can readily be incorporated within the context of coaching to support implementation of the PBIS framework with fidelity.
31. Literacy Leader: Using Your SEDR to Improve Reading Outcomes | 2022 Literacy Symposium

31. Literacy Leader: Using Your SEDR to Improve Reading Outcomes | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:10:25 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 31. Literacy Leader: Using Your Special Education Data Report (SEDR) to Improve Reading Outcomes This session will be geared towards administrators/educators who oversee and/or influence the K-12 literacy program within their Local Education Agency (LEA). Attendees will explore and/or be exposed to the most recent Pennsylvania State Educational Data Report (PA SEDR), as well as, their own respective local State Educational Data Report (SEDR) in order to address and/or interpret their current/future needs regarding programming for students with disabilities. Additional guidance and/or resources will be provided to support Individual Education Plan (IEP) teams and overall student success.
3-1: Coaches Role in Moving from Participation to Fidelity | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

3-1: Coaches Role in Moving from Participation to Fidelity | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

00:59:40 minutes
If you are thinking about Tier 1 fidelity in PW-PBIS , this session is for you! In this session, we will focus on the roles and responsibilties of the early childhood classroom coach to support one's program to implement PW-PBIS with fidelity. This session will provide guidance, networking discussion, strategies, problem-solving opportunites and resources.
32. Successfully Running a School Store and Activity Day Rewards in the Middle ... | PBIS 2023

32. Successfully Running a School Store and Activity Day Rewards in the Middle ... | PBIS 2023

00:49:58 minutes
32. Successfully Running a School Store and Activity Day Rewards in the Middle School Setting The Middle School Student can be one of the most difficult to reward for expected behavior. Join us to learn how out school successfully initiated a school store, school-wide raffles and regularly scheduled grade-level incentives. Learn how we tailored our reward system to address the interests and needs of our culturally diverse student body in order to enhance buy-in and unity among our expected behaviors.
32. Too Important To Fail | 2022 Literacy Symposium

32. Too Important To Fail | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:57:42 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 32. Too Important To Fail: Implementing Literacy Instruction Changes During the Pandemic During this session participants will be engaged in a discussion regarding the changes made in the instruction of reading by the Northgate School District during the pandemic. Information will be shared regarding the Pennsylvania Dyslexia Pilot and how this was critical in moving these efforts forward. The critical aspects of the change process will be shared and pitfalls will be discussed.
3-2: Status Check-In On Climate and Culture! | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

3-2: Status Check-In On Climate and Culture! | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

00:54:16 minutes
Oh my, it’s been a year! Checking in on the program’s climate and culture. The program’s climate is a notion that may affect behaviors, attitudes, and well-being in organizational life as well as explain why some programs are more productive, effective, innovative, and successful. Let’s take a dive into the components of the Early Childhood Self-Assessment Survey and reflect on how this tool is currently being used. During this session, participants will explore the Early Childhood Self-Assessment Survey and learn how to use this data to inform their program’s goals.