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Results 431-440 of 823

Expanding the Literacy Toolkit: Interventions for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing Fluency Toolkit: Bridging Decoding and Comprehension with Fluency Interventions

02:06:02 minutes
The Literacy Tookit is a training series consisting of a progressive sequence of interactive webinars focused on expanding the instructional interventions used to promote the literacy achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentations in the training series will focus on how to use assessment information primarily from the Qualitative Reading Inventory-5 (QRI-5), as well as other evidenced based assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and progress monitoring) to plan and implement instructional interventions. Instructional delivery “techniques” and implementation “tips and tricks” will be discussed, and a set of intervention resources, materials, weblinks, and e-learning applications will be assembled for each topic to assist with implementation.

Expanding the Literacy Toolkit: Retelling Toolkit: Building Comprehension with Text Structure and Retelling Interventions

02:10:54 minutes
The Literacy Tookit is a training series consisting of a progressive sequence of interactive webinars focused on expanding the instructional interventions used to promote the literacy achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentations in the training series will focus on how to use assessment information primarily from the Qualitative Reading Inventory-5 (QRI-5), as well as other evidenced based assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and progress monitoring) to plan and implement instructional interventions. Instructional delivery “techniques” and implementation “tips and tricks” will be discussed, and a set of intervention resources, materials, weblinks, and e-learning applications will be assembled for each topic to assist with implementation.

Extended School Year (ESY)

00:27:45 minutes
Extended School Year (ESY) services are special education and related services provided to students with disabilities beyond the regular school year. Federal and state special regulations require that each local education agency (LEA) make available extended school year services to each eligible student whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) team has determined that ESY services are necessary for the child to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). This recorded webinar describes the process the IEP team utilizes in making ESY eligibility decisions, including the seven factors that must be considered, reliable data sources, and service delivery models. Timelines and procedures regarding the Armstrong Target Group are discussed.

F9. Preparing Transition Age Youth with Autism for Employment

01:28:39 minutes
This presentation will cover neurodiversity’s definition, challenges, and opportunities, as well as the role the Office for Vocational Rehabilitation plays in Secondary Transition, Early Reach, and Pre-Employment Training. Presenters will engage participants in sharing the specifics of the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Information regarding how to access resources and understand Pre-Employment Transition Services will also be discussed.
FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO: La voz de la familia en Pensilvania

FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO: La voz de la familia en Pensilvania

00:07:19 minutes
Descubra cómo FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO ha inspirado a los miembros y ha cambiado lo que es posible para sus hijos y para TODOS los niños de PA. Las familias comparten el impacto de presumir competencia y tener altas expectativas para los niños con discapacidades y necesidades especiales de atención médica.
Families to the Max - Family Network HELIX | PaTTANpod [S2E21]

Families to the Max - Family Network HELIX | PaTTANpod [S2E21]

00:15:10 minutes
Families to the Max is a Pennsylvania Statewide Family Network focused on offering parents of students with complex the needs knowledge, support, and collaboration. Email for more information.
FAMILIES TO THE MAX: The family voice in Pennsylvania

FAMILIES TO THE MAX: The family voice in Pennsylvania

00:07:18 minutes
Learn how FAMILIES TO THE MAX has inspire members and changed what’s possible for their children—and ALL children in PA. Families share the impact of presuming competence and having high expectations for children with disabilities and special health care needs.
Family Engagement vs Family Involvement: A Better Understanding | PaTTANpod [S4E16]

Family Engagement vs Family Involvement: A Better Understanding | PaTTANpod [S4E16]

00:20:46 minutes
Educational consultant, Tara Kelly, speaks to the difference between family involvement and family engagement.
Family Engagement: Why and How to Request Customized Supports

Family Engagement: Why and How to Request Customized Supports

02:21:00 minutes
This video explains the reasoning behind taking steps to increase family engagement within schools and also explains how to request customized supports from PaTTAN to enhance family engagement programming.
Finding Factor Pairs with an Area Model (C)

Finding Factor Pairs with an Area Model (C)

This video demonstrates the use of an area model and manipulatives to find factor pairs.