Considerations for Administrators in Supporting and Supervising Special Education Paraprofessionals
Speaking: Jennifer
The purpose of this training is to provide school administrators the information they need to guide the work of special education paraprofessionals in a manner that supports the best outcomes for students with disabilities in Pennsylvania’s schools.
This training will describe the types of paraprofessionals in use in PA, regulations regarding paraprofessional qualifications and the role of paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities. This training is designed for school administrators who are charged with hiring, monitoring, supervising, or training paraprofessionals directly, or who supervise teachers who work with special education paraprofessionals.
There are four separate sections to this training package:
• Introduction
• Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Paraprofessionals
• Supervision, Policies, Team Roles and Ethical Considerations
• When and How We Use Paraprofessionals
You may choose to proceed through the training in order all at once over the course of a day or more. Or, you may prefer to complete each section one at a time. These materials are designed to be used either way.
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