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June 25, 2017

38. Training Bus Drivers in PBIS Procedures

This session is designed to share the process of delivering training in PBIS to bus drivers. Discussion will include: Integrating the training with currently established PBIS methodology, securing administrative buy-in, the importance of a survey, user-friendly terminology, dealing with time constraints and scheduling, and progress monitoring.

Presenter: Luzerne Intermediate Unit 18
May 15, 2017

39. Enjoy the Ride! Lancaster Head Start’s Lessons Learned Along the Journey into PBIS!

This session will outline Lancaster Head Start's journey in starting and maintaining fidelity to Pyramid Model and PW PBIS implementation. Topics discussed will include building the program's Mental Health system; promoting staff buy-in and capacity building program-wide; professional development; and data collection and analysis for continued quality improvement.

Presenter: Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County-Head Start
May 16, 2017

44. Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model: Process for Team Meetings and Data-Based Decision Making

This session will provide an overview of the recently updated TIPS model including strategies for effective team meetings and how to use data for decision making. Presenters will model how to use data to make decisions and facilitate practice with identifying a problem, developing a problem statement, intervention planning, and progress monitoring.

Presenter: Devereux Center for Effective Schools
May 16, 2017

56. RENEW and Beyond… A Journey from Implementation to Post-Secondary Success

Session attendees will not only learn what RENEW is, but they will also experience the “process” of training and implementation, mapping with the student, student success, setting transitional goals, and the Post-Secondary Setting. The RENEW journey focuses on "Lance" and his story. The updates from his post-secondary experiences in his own words, and the team that still supports him will truly give testament to the process and how it does work!

Presenter: Highlands School District
May 16, 2017

63. Connecting Coaches County Wide

Delaware and Chester County local facilitators utilize a county-wide meeting format to increase collaboration across PBIS implementation sites at the building coach level. This session will provide district coaches/network facilitators with suggested meeting formats, the use of social media platforms, and other methods to increase coaching and sustainability.

Presenter: Delaware County Intermediate Unit 25
May 16, 2017

65. From Reactive to Proactive: A Shift in Focus

During this session, presenters will discuss the elements that proved successful for creating a schoolwide positive behavior system in an urban school setting. The school successfully shifted from a consequence based discipline system to proactive teaching with reinforcement of the values and virtues upon which the school's foundation is based. Celebrations of students' success replaced emphasis upon restrictive systems.

Presenter: Carbon-Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21; St. John Vianney Regional School
May 16, 2017

66. Prevention Works! Providing Tier 2 Support Through Your Student Assistance Program

This session will impress upon participants the importance of "effective" staff collaboration and follow-through, administrative support, networking with outside supports and services, and parent involvement.

Presenter: McGuffey School District
May 16, 2017

70. PBIS in High School – Creating a Partnership Between The Education/Mental Health Systems and Students

Wesley Spectrum High School, an alternative education placement with co-existing mental health supports, began the journey towards PBIS implementation 5 years ago. As a fully implementing Tier 1 PBIS high school, PBIS has provided the culture and structure for families and students to be more receptive to a variety of supports and therefore more likely to achieve goals. This presentation will outline how the partnership between education and mental health services has been strengthened by a culture created by PBIS at the High School level.

Presenter: Wesley Spectrum
June 25, 2017

Building Strong Employer Relationships: Managing the Employer Engagement Process

This webinar will provide methodology and strategies for provider organizations to manage the employer engagement process to achieve stronger employer relationships. This webinar is intended to foster coordination and commitment amongst employment staff who work with local employers to offer consistent, quality employment services that benefit local employer’s business operations.

Presenter: Dale Verstegen
June 21, 2017

Great Start 2017: High Expectations for Young Children with Sensory Disabilities

The Great Start conference focuses on topics of interest to those living and working with children with sensory impairments and traumatic brain injury, birth through age 6.


Head Bumps Matter1-Active Supervision document Head Bumps Matter2-Agenda document Head Bumps Matter3-Playing Safely Workshop document Head Bumps Matter4-Brain Injury document Language Learning-session outline document Parent Panel H1-session powerpoint Parent Panel H2-Helpful Information About Preschool document Parent Panel H3-Early Intervention Communication Plan document Parent Panel H4-Communication Methods document Parent Panel H5-Getting to Know Your Child document Parent Panel H6-Transition Facts for Families document Parent Panel H7-Communication Plan School Age Parent Panel H8-Preschool to School Age Transition document Supporting Early Linguistic-session powerpoint Supporting Early Reading Skills H1-session powerpoint Supporting Early Reading Skills H2-Quick Write Activity document Supporting Early Reading Skills H3-Reference document The Resiliency Shield H1-The 7Cs document The Resiliency Shield H2-session powerpoint The Resiliency Shield H3-Resilience Guide for Parents and Teachers document Traumatic Brain Injury in Early Childhood-session powerpoint

Presenter: Multiple Presenters