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August 7, 2017

Cyclical Monitoring for Continuous Improvement (CMCI)

CMCI is a Federal requirement 34 CFR Sec. 300.600 (State Monitoring & Enforcement).

Presenter: Patty Todd
August 7, 2017

Cyclical Monitoring Preparation Checklist

The LEA is to complete the Data Collection Summary for each topic in the FSA. In addition to completing the Data Collection Summary for each topic, this checklist identifies specific items the LEA is to prepare and make available for the BSE onsite review.

Presenter: Patty Todd
August 7, 2017

FSA Directions

FSA Directions

Presenter: Patty Todd
April 24, 2017

Engaging Staff in Competitive Integrated Employment Practices

This webinar session included a discussion on current best practices in developing business partnerships and employment opportunities. Information presented included strategies and techniques for networking and overcoming challenges in employment development.

Presenter: Rick McAllister
May 15, 2017

3. SRSS: If You Screen You Must Intervene

At Owen J. Roberts, staff have been using the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) for three years. The presenters will share their experiences and processes for implementation as well as how they use the data to intervene.

Presenter: Owen J. Roberts School District
May 15, 2017

6. Implementation of PBIS in a Preschool Classroom Through Literacy

During this session participants will be exposed to practical ways that PBIS is taught in a preschool classroom using literature. Presenters will share a variety of books that teach across the learning domains, as well as, support PBIS principles in classrooms.

Presenter: Penn State University, Hort Woods Center
May 15, 2017

14. Positive Behavior Support: The Early Years

This presentation will include how the kindergarten team developed a framework of lessons, visual models, and positive reinforcements along with a program to motivate students, faculty, and staff to engage and fully participate.

Presenter: Interboro School District
May 15, 2017

19. We Are All in the Same Framework: SAP and PBIS Integration

In this interactive session, participants will explore how Student Assistance Program (SAP) can serve as a vehicle for work at Tier 2 and Tier 3 within a PBIS framework. Integration of each set of practices is an important consideration for teams with fiscal and time constraints. Presenters will describe essential components to consider as teams work toward a seamless system of supports. Participants will leave with a checklist to take back to their schools to improve blending efforts.

Presenter: OMHSAS/PA Network for SAP Services; Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic of UPMC
May 15, 2017

22. CRPBIS LEA and Action Research Teams Year-End Collaboration - CLOSED SESSION

Over the past two years, selected PBIS core teams have participated in work to implement culturally responsive PBIS. During the 2016-2017 school year, action research at the classroom level has been developed. This closed session will allow the sites the opportunity to collaborate, problem-solve and plan for sustainability.

Presenter: PaTTAN Educational Consultants
May 15, 2017

31. Equitable Disciplinary Practices: How to Inform Culturally Sustaining PBIS

Currently engaging in year three, eight collaborating local education agencies are developing materials to encourage culturally sustaining disciplinary practices. Time will be spent sharing outcomes as well as critical issues such as bias, racial anxiety, and stereotype threat and interventions that increase proportionate disciplinary practices.

Presenter: PaTTAN Educational Consultants