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Career Preparation and Work-Based Learning

02:27:13 minutes
As part of the secondary transition process, youth and young adults learn to apply knowledge and skills in real life, real work, and real world situations. Work-based learning opportunities provide the gateway for post-secondary education and employment success. In this webinar offered in collaboration with the National Community of Practice on Secondary Transition, presenters from across the country will present examples of effective career preparation and work-based learning strategies, activities and resources.

Communicating Discovery and Customized Employment to Individuals and Families

00:55:52 minutes
Customized Employment can be a confusing yet exciting adventure for all stakeholders. People who receive supports, families and staff may have heard the term but not know how it fits into their lives. This one hour webinar will give you practical ideas for how, when and where to introduce the topic of customized employment to stakeholders. Join Karen Lee, Executive Director of SEEC in Silver Spring Maryland as she shares the tools they used in becoming a customized employment agency.

Community on Transition Conference 2013 - Session 309 - Easing the Transition to College: Tools to Help you Get your Students to College

01:25:34 minutes
While millions of students make the transition from high school to college each year, the information required to help a student get to college continues to get more complicated. Materials to help career and technical instructors assist students to earn Students Occupationally and Academically Ready/Program of Study (SOAR/POS) free college credits and information to help school counselors aid parents and students in selecting a college, completing the preparation steps, and actually transitioning to college are collected on a single Pennsylvania-focused website. This website,, is a single entry point in finding everything the instructor, counselor, parent or student needs to support a student from a Pennsylvania high school/Career and Technical Center to college. This session will provide an overview of this web-based resource for Pennsylvania educators.

Community on Transition Conference 2013 - Session 404 - Obtaining and Maintaining Successful Employment: A Young Adult Perspective

01:23:07 minutes
In this session, young adults with varying disabilities will discuss how they have obtained and maintained employment. This presentation will provide strategies and resources that youth, families, and professionals can utilize to actively engage in the transition process from school to real work for real pay.

Community on Transition Conference 2013 - Session 714 - There is no IEP in College

01:15:53 minutes
How is Section 504 for post-secondary education different from IDEA in high schools? What accommodations will youth and young adults have at community colleges, colleges, or universities in Pennsylvania? What can I do to better prepare youth and young adults for success in college? This session will provide valuable information to youth and young adults, family members, higher education professionals, secondary educators, vocational rehabilitation professionals, and agency stakeholders.

Community on Transition Conference 2013 - Session 803 - From IEP to IPE: Crossing the Bridge

01:27:57 minutes
This panel presentation including a young adult, will help young adults with disabilities and their families understand the differences between the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that is used in school and the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) that young adults with a disability develops with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) as they transition from high school to employment. Learn the INs and OUTs of working with OVR, including the supports provided by the Client Assistance Program (CAP) on how to self advocate in IPE development and throughout the OVR process. As part of the presentation, the presenters will follow a young girl named "Penny" as she transitions from high school graduation to adult life.
Competitive Integrated Employment Grants Webinar - 2019

Competitive Integrated Employment Grants Webinar - 2019

This session provides an overview of the Competitive Integrated Employment Grants offered through PaTTAN in 2019.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Five: Pulling it all Together

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Five: Pulling it all Together

00:01:13 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Five of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will recap what we have learned so far to support a person’s successful transition.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Four: ODP 101

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Four: ODP 101

00:02:36 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Four of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will discuss the Office of Developmental Programs and their role in a person’s successful transition.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter One: Introduction

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter One: Introduction

00:06:54 minutes
Welcome to the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. The goal of this five-part series is to help educators and community agency personnel learn about each other’s respective roles in secondary transition planning and how working together can lead to lifelong success for students with disabilities.