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An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Introduction, Chapters 1 & 2

An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Introduction, Chapters 1 & 2

01:41:22 minutes
This professional learning opportunity will focus on a number of key concepts. The connections between the science of reading and reading comprehension instruction will be explored. Using the Blueprint for comprehension as an instructional framework for developing necessary skills and knowledge for constructing meaning will be discussed. Multiple instructional examples including unit & lesson plans, activities and resources that support the development of vocabulary, sentence comprehension, text structure and background knowledge, inference and expression of understanding will be shared. The presenter will also reflect on current practices and identifying additional opportunities for informed instruction at varied grade levels for all students. Link to handouts:
An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Introduction, Chapters 3 & 4

An Interactive Book Study with the Co-Authors - Introduction, Chapters 3 & 4

01:25:00 minutes
This professional learning opportunity will focus on a number of key concepts. The connections between the science of reading and reading comprehension instruction will be explored. Using the Blueprint for comprehension as an instructional framework for developing necessary skills and knowledge for constructing meaning will be discussed. Multiple instructional examples including unit & lesson plans, activities and resources that support the development of vocabulary, sentence comprehension, text structure and background knowledge, inference and expression of understanding will be shared. The presenter will also reflect on current practices and identifying additional opportunities for informed instruction at varied grade levels for all students.
An Introduction of Enhanced Core Reading Instruction (ECRI)

An Introduction of Enhanced Core Reading Instruction (ECRI)

00:05:49 minutes
This video provides and introduction to ECRI components, the research supporting its impact on student literacy outcomes, and a small group lesson demonstration.
An Overview of a Chart and Rate of Improvement on Chart Dog

An Overview of a Chart and Rate of Improvement on Chart Dog

This video will review the use of Chart Dog as a tool to assist with rate of improvement calculation within the Response to Intervention determination process.
Best Practices for Distinguishing Language Acquisition & Learning Disabilities

Best Practices for Distinguishing Language Acquisition & Learning Disabilities

02:50:59 minutes
This session will focus on nesting multilingual students (MLs) ecologies within the testing, assessment, and evaluation continuum to support teams in developing more equitable decision-making processes. Current assessment practices continue to privilege white and middle-class students while focusing on MLs perceived deficits. First, laying the foundation for reliable and valid practices for all learners will guide the discussion as we clarify the differences between evaluation, assessment, and testing. Then, we will examine the types of assessments used within an MTSS framework to make instructional decisions for MLs. Instructional questions will be posed to model aligning them to the types of assessments to answer the questions across the MTSS tiers. Finally, collaboration across various stakeholders in data-based decisions making will be highlighted.
Best Practices for Distinguishing Language Acquisition and Learning Disabilities

Best Practices for Distinguishing Language Acquisition and Learning Disabilities

02:49:37 minutes
While educators often speak about multilingual learners (MLs) as a group, the reality is MLs vary on many factors. Knowledge of student level factors help to align instructional practices to meet ML students' unique needs. To answer the question of whether academic challenges are rooted in second language acquisition differences or a true disability, all students must have access to high-quality core instruction matched to their specific backgrounds. We will examine the typologies of this heterogeneous group and discuss specific instructional factors to consider. Then we will review the MTSS tiers and how data collected across the tiers by a collaborative team guide appropriate referral decisions. Finally, special education programming for MLs will be highlighted.
Bridging the MTSS Implementation Gap Through PLCs

Bridging the MTSS Implementation Gap Through PLCs

This webinar will review evidence-based practices and guidelines for establishing professional learning communities in order to sustain a tiered system of support.
Classwide Math Intervention (Grades 1-3) [Part 1]

Classwide Math Intervention (Grades 1-3) [Part 1]

02:04:03 minutes
With a focus on grades 1-3, classwide intervention options will be described with emphasis on peer mediated activities. Participants will learn of the empirical and theoretical basis for using a peer-mediated approach to address advanced computation skills. Explicit steps for arranging peer mediated activities will be provided. Participants will have the opportunity to plan and practice with intervention materials and protocols. LINK TO HANDOUTS:
Classwide Math Intervention (Grades 4-6) - Part 1

Classwide Math Intervention (Grades 4-6) - Part 1

01:45:02 minutes
Link to handouts: Classwide intervention options will be described with emphasis on peer mediated activities. Participants will learn of the empirical and theoretical basis for using a peer-mediated approach to address advanced computation skills. Explicit steps for arranging peer mediated activities will be provided. Participants will have the opportunity to plan and practice with intervention materials and protocols.
Classwide Math Intervention (Grades 4-6) - Part 2 - Implementation Debrief and Team Sharing

Classwide Math Intervention (Grades 4-6) - Part 2 - Implementation Debrief and Team Sharing

00:24:52 minutes
Various math teams who participated in the session, Classwide Math Intervention, will prepare and share a brief presentation (30 minutes) describing and explaining their implementation experience and outcomes.