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February 28, 2017

Assessment for Students who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing

The purpose of the training is to present information on assessment for deaf and hard of hearing learners across the cognitive, academic, and social, emotional, and behavioral domains. During the session, we will discuss the importance of multiple measures of assessment and the use of assessment information to make instructional decisions. We will also discuss how to accurately report and interpret assessment results, including how to avoid common mistakes.

Presenter: Dr. Bryan D. Miller
February 27, 2017

English Learners Career and Readiness Skills for Life After Graduation in an MTSS Framework

The webinar will address the importance of including, as part of instruction in a MTSS Framework, strategies and resources to help secondary ELs to plan for their future.

Presenter: Ana Sainz de la Peña, Francine Dutrisac, Paula Zucker
February 14, 2017

2017 PDE Conference - Making a Difference: Educational Practices That Work!

Please use the drop-down menu to select your handouts. They are listed in alphabetical order, according to session title.

Presenter: multiple
February 14, 2017

PaPOS Post-School Survey Overview and Procedural Training - Handouts

Accountability requirements under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA) regarding secondary transition mandate each state to determine, for the state as a whole, the extent to which students are achieving transition outcomes as stated in their IEPs (Indicator 14). To meet this federal reporting requirement, once over a five-year period, each school district is required to survey all student leavers who had IEPs (graduates, dropouts, and students who age out). This session will provide target LEA´s, special education administrators, and IU transition consultants information regarding the Pennsylvania Post School Outcome Survey (PaPOS) and the requirements for completing the PaPOS Exit Survey.

Presenter: Paula Schmitt
February 7, 2017

Pre-Employment Transition Services National COP on Secondary Transition Webinar

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) now requires The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to set aside at least 15% of their federal funds to provide “pre-employment transition services” to “students with disabilities who are eligible or potentially eligible for VR services.” During this webinar, offered in collaboration with the National Community of Practice on Secondary Transition, presenters from across the country will present examples of effective strategies, activities and resources that are currently being implemented in a variety of states to meet the five required pre-employment transition services areas.

Presenter: National COP on Secondary Transition Members
January 24, 2017

Alternate Eligible Content Winter/Spring Series 2017: Using Alternate Eligible Content to Develop IEPs: 2017 Update

Participants will be provided tips and examples for using alternate eligible content and essentialization to support the development of IEP goals and objectives. The final Math and ELA/Reading alternate eligible content was state board approved following the airing of the 2014 Alternate Eligible Content and IEPs webinar.  This webinar will be an update from the original webinar with updated language and content as well as references for including content related to writing.

Presenter: Sharon Leonard
January 16, 2017

Converting EBAE (English Braille American Edition) to UEB (Unified English Braille) with Duxbury

This powerpoint explains how to manipulate braille from the old braille code (EBAE) to the new braille code (UEB), while maintaining the integrity of accuracy and format.

Presenter: Doug Williams & Clyde Gessner
January 26, 2017

Quality Indicators of Emotional Support Services and Programs

Implementing Emotional Support services and programs requires a team focused, multidisciplinary approach. This session will introduce participants to a self-assessment tool titled, Quality Indicators of Emotional Support Services and Programs(QIESSP), that will support LEAS in implementing evidence-based Emotional Support services and programs. Participants attending this session will examine the features of the QIESSP document, consider ways in which to build or strengthen their services and programs and discuss the alignment of the QIESSP tool to the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching.

Presenter: PaTTAN Education Consultant
November 15, 2016

Special Education Plan Training for Administrators

This training is designed for Phase 3 school districts whose Special Education Plans are due to be developed and approved during the current school year. The Bureau of Special Education will conduct a two-part training at each of the PaTTAN offices. The training will review the Plan’s content and requirements based on Federal law. Content will focus on information from compliance monitoring, professional development activities, teacher caseloads and classes, contracted services, methods of identification, behavioral supports, out of district placements, etc. Presenters will also review the technical training necessary to enter information into the Comprehensive Planning Web based tool.

Presenter: Scanlon, Verner, Deluca
November 17, 2016

Keystone Exam Accommodation Guidelines for Students with Individualized Education Programs and 504 Plans

This handout is for the training on PSSAs or Keystone Exams regarding the implementation of accommodations for all students, including students with individualized education programs and 504 Plans, and all English learners.

Presenter: Diane Simaska