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April 30, 2017

Optimized Inclusive Practices: An Overview of the Framework

The Optimized Inclusive Practices (OIP) Framework is intended to build the capacity of Local Education Agencies to educate students with low incidence and significant cognitive disabilities in the academic and independent living skills necessary for membership, participation and learning in all areas of students’ lives. Educators can use this framework to realize the goal of college, career and community readiness for students with complex instructional needs. The Framework includes two components: 1.Big ideas, concepts and competencies needed to leverage data, systems and practices to effectively educate all students; and 2.Assessment Tools designed to support a team of district and school leaders, educators, family members, and possibly students to examine inclusive practices in their school/district in topic areas aligned with the big ideas, concepts and competencies described in the OIP Framework. The PowerPoint in handout slide format is available below.

Presenter: PaTTAN Education Consultant
April 25, 2017

National Transition COP Webinar - Youth Development and Youth Leadership

Self-determination and self-advocacy are keys to success for youth and young adults as they transition from high school to adult life. During this session, presented in collaboration with the National Community of Practice on Secondary Transition, information regarding resources and strategies to enhance inclusive youth engagement and leadership will be shared from a variety of presenters from across the country.

Presenter: National Transition COP Members
April 30, 2017

Language and Cultural Strategies for Supporting Dual Language Learners Birth – Five

This workshop will prepare Early Intervention staff/early childhood specialists to meet state, curricular and national goals for supporting dual language learners by presenting research-based strategies, links to key resources, and new approaches to family engagement. The workshop will provide a balance of information, active participation, and small group discussion/consultation to provide a customized learning experience for participants. 1) PowerPoint Presentation: this document has the slides to be followed by attendees during the workshop. 2) Resource handout: this is a list of resources for working with DLLs and their families in early childhood education.

Presenter: Karen Nemeth, Ed.M.
April 18, 2017

Alternate Eligible Content Winter/Spring Series 2017: Data Collection and Decision Making

Participants will be provided a variety of ways to collect data based on the lesson/unit plans and instructional delivery provided in previous webinars. Data collection and decision making will be referenced from the teacher instructional perspective as well as through the lens of student learning. Options for using data to determine mastery and consideration of next steps for instruction and learning will be emphasized including data collected in real time and cold probes. Tools for collecting and reporting data will be shared.

Presenter: Sharon Leonard
March 29, 2017

Effective Core Writing Instruction The Writing Process Grades K-2

This webinar series provides optional, supplemental information for K-2 (Spelling, handwriting) specific instruction as well as a Tier 1 assessment.

Presenter: Dr. Lana Edwards-Santoro
April 3, 2017

Comprehensive Assessment: Using Research to Improve Practice for SLPs

Comprehensive assessment utilizes information from a variety of sources to address the difference vs. disorder challenge faced school based SLPs. Participants will review the evidence on diagnostic accuracy of tests, dynamic assessment methods, and narrative analysis techniques. Opportunities for SLPs to consider the impact of socio-economic status, cultural and linguistic differences, and the impact of language variation will be provided. SLPs will learn to compare data from standardized assessments and use specific dynamic assessment techniques to identify and address areas of weakness. a. Comprehensive Assessment: Using Research to Inform Practice b. Narrative Analysis Scoring Protocol for Pictured Prompted Series c. Activity packet

Presenter: Marie C. Ireland, M.ED. CCC-SLP, BCS-CL
March 21, 2017

Alternate Eligible Content Winter/Spring Series 2017: Alternate Eligible Content and Effective Instructional Delivery

Alternate Eligible Content Winter/Spring Series 2017: Alternate Eligible Content and Effective Instructional Delivery

Presenter: Sharon Leonard
March 26, 2017

Bringing Life to Books to Facilitate Early Language and Literacy Development

The training program will focus on the development and use of experience books to facilitate early language and literacy development of infants, toddlers and preschool age who are deaf or hard of hearing. Evidence-based literacy practices, recent research pointing to the benefits of early print exposure for children’s future linguistic development, and critical period effects will also be examined. Handouts are available for the training: 1. Powerpoint: presentation: This document has the slides to be followed by attendees during the training. 2. Handout: This document lists additional web resources. 3. Handout: This document is a parent questionnaire form. 4. Handout: This document has additional online samples to be used in creating the experience book.

Presenter: Carla Wood, Ph.D.
March 15, 2017

2016-2017 National COP Webinar Series - Career Preparation and Work-Based Learning

As part of the secondary transition process, youth and young adults learn to apply knowledge and skills in real life, real work, and real world situations. Work-based learning opportunities provide the gateway for post-secondary education and employment success. In this webinar offered in collaboration with the National Community of Practice on Secondary Transition, presenters from across the country will present examples of effective career preparation and work-based learning strategies, activities and resources.

Presenter: National Transition COP Presenters
March 1, 2017

Psychological Counseling as a Related Service

Offering Psychological Counseling as a Related Service is a requirement when a student demonstrates a need for this type of support. A new guidance document is being released by the Bureau of Special Education that provides information for MDE and IEP teams. This document and training follows the special education process, from the legal basis through assessment, identification of need, implementation of service and monitoring for continued need for eligible students. 1. PowerPoint slide handout materials 2. Psychological Counseling as a Related Service Publication

Presenter: Amy Smith