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Secondary Formative Assessment: Peer and Self Assessment Strategies (Day 1)

Secondary Formative Assessment: Peer and Self Assessment Strategies (Day 1)

01:41:03 minutes
This session will support growth and understanding around self and peer assessment. Participants will learn the conditions necessary to increase both student engagement and achievement through planning and implementing peer and self assessment strategies. Experience the process of co constructing rubrics, using success criteria and learning targets, and then moving them into self and peer assessment structures. LINK TO HANDOUTS:
Secondary Macro-Level Writing Strategy Instruction, Part I

Secondary Macro-Level Writing Strategy Instruction, Part I

00:36:27 minutes
This session will focus on the use of instructional strategies to support macro-level writing instruction and the writing process at the secondary level (grades 4-12) for students who struggle with writing skills. Specifically, strategies to help improve the focus, content, organization, and style of student writing will be discussed. Participants who wish to implement a strategy from this session and attend the second session in this series will receive a presentation template. LINK TO HANDOUTS:
Secondary Micro-Level Writing Strategy - Day 2

Secondary Micro-Level Writing Strategy - Day 2

02:54:57 minutes
This is a follow up to the Day 1 one session, continuing with a focus on the use of instructional strategies to support micro-level writing instruction at the secondary level (grades 4-12) for students who struggle with writing skills. While handwriting, keyboarding, and spelling will be discussed, emphasis will focus on how to explicitly teach sentence analysis and construction using the “Identify-Expand-Combine- and Create” strategy. Other strategies, including the use of grammar building charts and sentence unscrambling, will also be covered. MATERIALS FOR THIS SESSION CAN BE FOUND HERE:
Secondary Micro-Level Writing Strategy Instruction [Part 1]

Secondary Micro-Level Writing Strategy Instruction [Part 1]

02:36:02 minutes
Link to handouts: This session will focus on the use of instructional strategies to support micro-level writing instruction at the secondary level (grades 4-12) for students who struggle with writing skills. While handwriting, keyboarding, and spelling will be discussed, emphasis will focus on how to explicitly teach sentence analysis and construction using the “Identify-Expand-Combine- and Create” strategy. Other strategies, including the use of grammar building charts and sentence unscrambling, will be presented.
Secondary Scheduling Practices that Support MTSS Implementation

Secondary Scheduling Practices that Support MTSS Implementation

After providing a variety of options for high school and middle school scheduling, the presenter will discuss the scheduling and implementation of the Intervention/Enrichment (IE) period at the secondary level. Additionally, the presenter also will offer examples of the “Unit” or “Community” lunch period, used by many schools to support MTSS interventions.
Showcasing Schools: Integrating Academics and Behavior | PaTTANpod [S1E18]

Showcasing Schools: Integrating Academics and Behavior | PaTTANpod [S1E18]

School administrators and practitioners speak to the adoption and implementation of integrating evidence-based academic, behavioral and SEL practices within a tiered model.
Structured Literacy Intervention: Chapter 1 with Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling

Structured Literacy Intervention: Chapter 1 with Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling

01:00:30 minutes
In this first book study session Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling reviews and elaborates on Chapter 1: An Introduction to Structured Literacy and Poor-Reader Profiles. Link to all materials:
Support for Implementation of Tier 2 Practices

Support for Implementation of Tier 2 Practices

02:32:02 minutes
This session focuses on the implementation of interventions for students for whom Tier 1 practices are unsuccessful. A switch to systems-centered language in our communication around Tier 2 interventions is discussed. A variety of Tier 2 interventions that can be implemented to improve students′ social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes, including peer-mediated interventions are provided along with links to additional resources via the Padlet link below. Padlet Link:
Sustainable School Improvement Practices and Outcomes via Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Sustainable School Improvement Practices and Outcomes via Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

This video will review the evidence-based practices and processes associated with viable and sustainable multi-tiered systems of support.
Sustaining Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): A Focus on the Implementation Science

Sustaining Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): A Focus on the Implementation Science

MTSS represents a framework that is associated with the "how" of school improvement. This video will review 30 years of what has been learned about the "how" or effective implementation practices, processes and tools provided by the National Implementation Research Network.