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Mini-Module 10: Discourse Marking and Cohesion - I Can See Clearly Now

02:10:58 minutes
This module is one of a ten part series by Kevin Williams, produced by PaTTAN. Good writers write usually have some form of an outline or discourse structure to guide their writing. Educational discourse is much the same. While most educational interpreters may not have the actual outline of lesson instruction, it is essential that they create a visual scaffold on which to build their interpretation. This workshop will define the notion of discourse mapping and linguistic features frequently used to indicate discourse units and shifts in discourse.

Mini-Module 2: Eye/Head Engagement While Interpreting - Putting on a Good Face

01:58:37 minutes
This module is one of a ten part series with Kevin Williams, produced by PaTTAN. For many students learning sign language, significant attention is place on learning hand-shapes and movements. However, in sign language, signs do not function in some obscure, separate visual realm. Thus, use of eye gaze, eye-brow movement and head movement are critical grammatical features of any form of sign language. This workshop will focus on learning about these grammatical non-manual markers and use of these non-manual behaviors while interpreting.

Mini-Module 3: Putting On a Good Face: Use of Mouthing for Adverbs/Adjectives and English

02:11:18 minutes
This module is one of a ten part series by Kevin Williams, produced by PaTTAN. During sign language learning, a great deal of focus is errantly directed towards the hands only, viewing other parts of the body as ‘extras’ or unnecessary embellishments. The fact of the matter is, that for signing to be grammatical, it is not an either/or situation (meaning face or hands), but it is both! This training will focus on the use of, primarily, the lower portion of the face, the portion used for lexical purposes.

Mini-Module 4: Using Cadence in Sign Language - Cause, Clause, Pause

02:07:13 minutes
This module is one of a ten part series by Kevin Williams, produced by PaTTAN. Language is a set of patterns and at the syntax (or sentence level), language is built on the clause level. Some clauses are independent while others are dependent on other surrounding clause for conveying intent. This workshop will focus on the analysis of classroom discourse in order to gain better ‘rhythm” predication skills while building educational interpretations, and reduce the number of ‘moving violations’ we create while interpreting.

Mini-Module 5: Nothing Worse Than Unreasonable Verbs!

01:52:45 minutes
This module is one of a ten part series by Kevin Willams, produced by PaTTAN. Verbs, by nature of visual languages, work to ‘lace’ subject/object information together, binding individual lexical items (words) into comprehensible thought. This workshop will look at the various forms of verb activity associated with natural sign languages as well as what types of verbs can be modified (inflected) to show more visually comprehensible meaning.

Mini-Module 7: Use of Fingerspelling - For-For Spell That Word?

02:06:34 minutes
This module is one of a ten part series by Kevin Williams, produced by PaTTAN. In U.S. education, English is the language with which sign language is interacting. As the lexicon (vocabulary) of sign language is called up to represent or ‘talk about’ unique educational content terms or technologies, the language is using a typical language strategy; it is borrowing the term from the ‘source language’ into sign language. In sign language, this borrowing is done via fingerspelling. This workshop will focus on when and how to fingerspell, the role of fingerspelling in developing English phonemic awareness, and the development of print-literacy.

Mini-Module 8: Creating Active discourse with Classifiers - Real Space: Look Ma! No Hands!

02:04:06 minutes
This module is one of a ten part series by Kevin Williams, produced by PaTTAN. This workshop will focus on the rather unique grammatical component of Sign Language called classifiers. Attendees will learn the various types of classifiers as well as the use of classifiers when the signer is the ‘agent.’ Instruction will focus on integrating classifiers into interpretations to better visually show actions, prepositional relationships, or types/categories or nouns.

Mini-Module 9: Classifiers: Model Space. Wow! That Looks Just Like the Picture!

01:59:43 minutes
This module is one of a ten part series by Kevin Williams, produced by PaTTAN. This workshop will continue the focus on the rather unique grammatical component of sign language called classifiers. Participants will examine the use of CLASS and SASS classifiers when creating a visual referent of spoken discourse and integrate classifiers into interpretations to better visually show how things appear, verb action and prepositional relationships.
More On Intervention Approaches for Students Who Have CVI

More On Intervention Approaches for Students Who Have CVI

00:48:30 minutes
This two-part training provides a deep dive into interventions for children with CVI, including those with deaf-blindness, looking at connection to assessment, daily routines, and the ECC with an emphasis on multidimensional intervention approaches. This is webinar six of an 8-part series.

Morphology for the Classroom

00:41:39 minutes
This second presentation on morphology delves into the role knowledge of word origin plays in understanding spelling and vocabulary. How to identify word origin is introduced and described. Multiple opportunities are provided to practice word origin identification. Additionally, a short lesson is shown describing how to incorporate word origin instruction in a science lesson to help support vocabulary knowledge.