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Maintenance Practice in the Mathematics Classroom | PaTTANpod [S2E35]

Maintenance Practice in the Mathematics Classroom | PaTTANpod [S2E35]

Once acquired, skills need to be maintained in order to move forward with learning. Dr. Paul Riccomini shares insight into why maintenance practice is crucial and effective practices aligned to research.
Make Tier 2 Meetings More Efficient and Effective with Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)

Make Tier 2 Meetings More Efficient and Effective with Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)

03:13:28 minutes
This training will lead participants through the Team Initiated Problem-Solving (TIPS) model that will help to make Tier 2 meetings more efficient and your intervention systems more effective. We'll briefly cover the meeting foundations and spend the majority of the time discussing critical components such as precision problem statements, goals, decision rules, solution development, and fidelity.

Making Connections: Tools for College and Career Readiness

01:58:15 minutes
What is meant by the term “college and career readiness” for all students? What are critical components of a three-tiered model of college and career readiness and dropout prevention for all students? How would secondary transition for students with disabilities be integrated into a tiered model? This webinar explores a conceptual approach for preparing all students for post-secondary education/training, employment, and participation in a global society.

Making Physical Activity Meaningful for Students Who Have a Visual Impairment (VI), are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (HOH), or Deafblind: at School, Home and in the Community - Part 2

02:08:28 minutes
This session will cover instructional tips from professionals working with students with VI, deaf or HOH, or deafblind and is based on a compilation of journal articles related to this topic. This session will look at the correlations of physical activities and how they affect a student’s home life. Interviews from parents of students who have VI, are deaf or HOH, or deafblind will be shared. Real-life examples of skill demonstrations and physical activities will be presented. The importance of the team approach in educating the student will be examined along with strategies when working with interpreters or interveners. Participants will have firsthand experience of the physical activities using sensory loss simulation.
Managing Severe Problem Behavior | PaTTANpod [S4E8]

Managing Severe Problem Behavior | PaTTANpod [S4E8]

00:17:25 minutes
While at the National Autism Conference, Dr. Tim Vollmer discussed establishing cooperation when interacting with students with autism.

Mand Training Basics

02:38:20 minutes
Social initiation and communication deicits are hallmarks of autism. Mand training provides a method to teach children to ask for what they want and to initiate interactions with others. This session will discuss the basic principles and procedures of teaching children to make requests. It will include techniques to establish motivation, teach children to approach other people, and to develop a broad range of effective requesting behaviors.

Mand Training Example: Another Intermediate Learner Vocal Responding With Narration

00:06:13 minutes
Provides a demonstration of mand training procedures with a student using vocalization as a response form. Narration provides a description of instructional elements highlighted in this clip.

Mand Training Example: Another Intermediate Learner Vocal Responding Without Narration

00:05:18 minutes
Provides a demonstration of mand training procedures with a student using sign language as a response form. The footage shows the session without narration.

Mand Training Example: Intermediate Learner Vocal Responding With Narration

00:03:42 minutes
Provides a demonstration of mand training procedures with a student using vocalization as a response form. Narration provides a description of instructional elements highlighted in this clip.

Mand Training Example: Mand Training Early Learner Signed Responding With Narration

00:01:54 minutes
Provides a demonstration of mand training procedures with a student using sign language as a response form. The footage shows the session without narration.