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Mand Training Example: Mand Training Early Learner Vocal Responding With Narration

00:06:58 minutes
Provides a demonstration of mand training procedures with a student using vocalization as a response form. Narration provides a description of instructional elements highlighted in this clip.

Mand Training Example: Mand Training Early Learner Vocal Responding Without Narration

00:06:20 minutes
Provides a demonstration of mand training procedures with a student using sign language as a response form. The footage shows the session without narration.

Mand Training Example: Responding Vocal Shaping With Narration

00:05:17 minutes
Provides a demonstration of mand training procedures with a student using sign language as a response form. Also includes one example of teaching the transfer of signed skills to vocal responding. Narration provides a description of instructional elements highlighted in this clip.

Mand Training Example: Responding Vocal Shaping Without Narration

00:04:56 minutes
Provides a demonstration of mand training procedures with a student using sign language as a response form. Also includes one example of teaching the transfer of signed skills to vocal responding. The footage shows the session without narration.

Mand Training: Data Systems

00:02:51 minutes
The importance of data collection as a process to guide mand training is presented. Methods for collecting both mand acquisition and mand frequency data are described.

Mand Training: Error Correction

00:02:13 minutes
Although procedures presented in this series promote reducing errors during mand training, it is acknowledged that errors may occur in the process. This segment reviews the types of errors that may occur and procedures for correcting errors during mand training.

Mand Training: Mand Target Selection

00:02:35 minutes
Mand training starts with identifying items and events which are generally valuable for students. This segment covers how to select reinforcers that will serve as the starting point for mand training.

Mand Training: Shaping, Prompting and Fading Prompts

00:03:08 minutes
The methods to establish an initial mand are described including issues related to prompting responses. Shaping is described as a process of systematic application of successive approximations and differential reinforcement. The importance of systematically using and fading prompts is introduced.

Mand Training: Teaching a Signed Mand

00:01:49 minutes
This segment extends basic mand training procedures for students who may use sign language as their primary response form.

Mand Training: Teaching a Vocal Mand

00:02:45 minutes
The initial steps for teaching mands are presented. This segment introduces mand teaching procedures for students who will make requests through vocalizations (speaking).